Hi everyone.....

Hi guys and girls!!!!
Just want to say Hello to everyone.
Currently I take public transport but hopefully one day I will get to own my very own Bimmer.
Re: Hi everyone.....

Your nick has some Aussie culture attached to it... Like "No wucking furries"...
Re: Hi everyone.....

hahaha, love your nick! enjoy your stay.
Re: Hi everyone.....

huh? sorry..but it sounds more like mother*******..hahahaha sorry..eh welcome in! public transport is good! but i wont wanna sit it..hahaha welcome in..hope u get ur bimmer soon..
Re: Hi everyone.....

hi there... welcome to the forum. Hope that you enjoy your stay here...
Re: Hi everyone.....

chickenbackside;185378 said:
Your nick has some Aussie culture attached to it... Like "No wucking furries"...

nicholastan91;185386 said:
huh? sorry..but it sounds more like mother*******..hahahaha sorry..eh welcome in! public transport is good! but i wont wanna sit it..hahaha welcome in..hope u get ur bimmer soon..

Think both u guys hit the nail on the head....i spent 9 years in OZ. As for the nick....yup it is mother sumthing, just dun want to be too explicit since this is a forum for all ages.

To all the other people thanks for the welcome. I frequent many motoring forums and this is the first one where the administrators and members are so proactive in welcoming newbies. Thanks again.
Re: Hi everyone.....

well.. if you want us to all go away and leave you alone... all you have to do is ask! hahaha!
Re: Hi everyone.....

Woot :) Welcome to the Forums. I too started out taking public transport and oogling at BMWs but after some hard work and robbe... I mean saving, I got my own 3 :)
Re: Hi everyone.....

Jase;185509 said:
Woot :) Welcome to the Forums. I too started out taking public transport and oogling at BMWs but after some hard work and robbe... I mean saving, I got my own 3 :)

Cool...thanks for the tip. Will try to work hard although it is totally against my nature.
Re: Hi everyone.....

you know, Oz is a jail in the USA,. hahahaah, you jailbird huh?
Re: Hi everyone.....

phil;185668 said:
you know, Oz is a jail in the USA,. hahahaah, you jailbird huh?

Wats not to like? Free food free lodging, plenty of time to trade stories with fellow inmates....that's the life mate.:)
Re: Hi everyone.....

hahah, yeah i totally agree. Where in Aus did you stay? I am from melbourne
Re: Hi everyone.....

oh, i come from Mt Eliza, in fact going back there next week to mow my grass, haha

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