Hi everyone...


Well-Known Member
Hi im new to forums and here.. so pls guide haha... Currently Drivin E36 320CI =)
Re: Hi everyone...

welcome butch3er. club sandy had a newcomer gift waiting for you. please contact chairman. joseph.
Re: Hi everyone...

hehe thanks dudes... whos chairman? lolz.. i don reali quite noe how to use this...:)
Re: Hi everyone...

welcome butch3r. so are u really a butcher or an instructor that strikes out trainees like a butcher?
Re: Hi everyone...

gadgets;259149 said:
welcome butch3r. so are u really a butcher or an instructor that strikes out trainees like a butcher?

haha its jus a nick i used for many yrs... lolz...
Re: Hi everyone...

hello me too also juz join this club yesterday..hope to see you uys soon at the coming gathering session!
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