Hi peeps

Re: Hi peeps

tofumonkey;995727 said:
mwahaha... pics, aka real life model, reserved for the all the bros/sis at the meetup yesterday. hehe

Nice to meet you yesterday. Pm me pls... I was there but you and Ryan kept hogging Elaine so I didn't even have a chance to say hi...
Re: Hi peeps

Andally;995959 said:
kenntona;995952 said:
Still around?

Oh hello Elaine, hi Ally (got missed me?) !!!

Not say I wanna hao lian, but I felt so good after my crunches.....

I think is you miss me more than I miss you!!!total turn off body.

Lol... So you prefer the "huggable" type?;)
Re: Hi peeps

Good morning ladies.
Re: Hi peeps

Getting YAWNZ.......
Re: Hi peeps

who are u SEANskye?
care to intro yourself here?
Re: Hi peeps

jonleeck;996261 said:
who are u SEANskye?
care to intro yourself here?

Intro'ed at the meetup on Sun leh. Were you there?
Re: Hi peeps

Meek;996350 said:
Jonlee is a internet hero.... wannabe.

Actually we are all internet heros... Don't know what made me go on Sun...

P.S. thought dinner provided ended up eating at Mc's lol
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Re: Hi peeps

seanskye;996471 said:
Actually we are all internet heros... Lol. Don't know what made me go on Sun...

you must by secretly in love with MW.

good you came. thot you were phantom forumer. lol.
Re: Hi peeps

anyway, the sweet babe asked if anyone know where to fix her Z4 roof.
i dunno...
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Re: Hi peeps

seanskye;996488 said:
not me... It's brobot. He always says MW hansum.. Wobbles say one...

to Robot everybody is handsome.........he is da man.....

Re: Hi peeps

ac323, can you tell ms cosmo where to fix her roof?

she wants to scream "roofless rocks!!!!" but she cant. she's sad lo.
Re: Hi peeps

Meek;996493 said:
ac323, can you tell ms cosmo where to fix her roof?

she wants to scream "roofless rocks!!!!" but she cant. she's sad lo.

See my http link in post #91!!

*steals brownie points... :p
Re: Hi peeps

Meek;996493 said:
ac323, can you tell ms cosmo where to fix her roof?

she wants to scream "roofless rocks!!!!" but she cant. she's sad lo.

oh what happen to her ROOF???

Re: Hi peeps

Meek;996500 said:
坏了。(10 char)

so fast?....................tooooooo LONG never open???

Re: Hi peeps

ac323;996502 said:
so fast?....................tooooooo LONG never open???


Try wd40. If not r2d,but not c3po.

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