
Re: Hi

hitmee;807681 said:
So what was o to 100?

Dunno - too preoccupied with one hand on steering wheel, another on camera trying to snap photos... But I steady - never pee in my pants.
Re: Hi

You need to mount a camera on your spec......
Re: Hi

Why you think 69 is gay lei?

We thinking about 69 with woman......
U only try 69 with guys only is it?
Re: Hi

if a lady tell me 69 i sure :D but coming from my brossss here i have to discount abit no names mentioned
Re: Hi

Nb I've never associate 69 with 2 men.

s2k I'm worried about u.
Re: Hi

Wait, how come this thread's quality drop again.

Wobbles pls share photo, npnt. Jonleeck say one.
Re: Hi

let's talk about 335i robot are u gonna lup quad on your 335i?
Re: Hi

I will GPGT soon - but now, please let me fulfill my duty as a Mickey Mouse member and kneel on shells for a while - wife caught me sneaking back to the house....
Re: Hi

nothing beats kena caught while pumping petrol. sneaking back nia not so bad liao :p
Re: Hi

OK, my knees still bear the durian marks, but I'm able to post the piccies now - so, GPGT:

Woke up super early this morning, at about 6am, but it was raining rhinoceri and hippopotami and the odd pachyderm thrown in for good measure, so took the car out for a leisurely drive all over Singapore. I visited some of the forum bro landmarks - Jalan Kayu (but I didn't see Brobot), Bottle Tree Park (but none of the 1ers were there anymore), then finally, when the rain stopped (at around 730am, I found myself on the highway to heaven:


Sorry for the shaky photos - I tried all sorts of methods, resting the camera against the steering wheel or whatever, but as soon as I tried to accelerate, the photo outcome was always the same: shot after shot of shaky subjects. This was about the only semi decent photo shown, as the tachy meter started its upward climb towards the magical 7500 mark. I dunno how the other guys do it - but it's impossible with my iphone or Nikon. I gave up trying to capture a shot of the speedometer needle.


In the end,I basically rested my Nikon on the dashboard and just clicked and clicked and clicked away at the HUD speed display instead of trying to take a picture of the speedo needle, and in amongst the rubbish that came out, there was one or two picture that could still pass for general viewing. I know it's nothing much to shout about, when I'm in the hallowed rarified company of QQ drivers like bro S2k (300km/h) and the M-powered gurus, but still, in my own small way, it felt damn good to see what my F13 was capable of.

It was worth the durian shells....
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Re: Hi

it looks like 233km/h nb be safe bro u da man still can take pix :lol2:
Re: Hi

Yeah, prev run managed 221km/h, and the best I squeezed out was 235km/h but I didn't manage to snap ANY decent photos of the top speed I achieved. If I didn't have HUD, I wouldn't have gotten ANY shots of my top speed. I found it was easier just to put the camera on the dashboard, instead of trying to aim for the speedo needle. Dunno how you experts get all those shots man.
Re: Hi

where's the place u hoot that speed n time of the day pls pm me :D
Re: Hi

I thought you sure know what - it's famous, prev Skyhawks used to land there ... But I really ball shrink because dunno whether got mata or not. By the time I got there, it was already 740am....
Re: Hi

it's only after the run then shrinked :lol2: during the run the adrenaline is pumping hard no feeling one

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