
Re: Hi

..Raymond..hope yr kid is getting beta...rest well yrself..try..
Re: Hi

My prince resting at home

Sch has HFMD
Re: Hi

HFMD is perpetual all year round... but seems like a new disease / virus.... I dun remember another quite like it growing up.

virus is airborne....best spread when it is air conditioned environment.

when my princess had it when she was 2 years old.... wah.... the week she was sick, crying, lack of appetite, so weak ... I also lau bak chap....that time really emo.
Re: Hi

You know, bro jason, it's quite heartwarming for me to read what you, C3PO etc wrote about your kids. I mean, sure, we can be full of nonsense on the Internet, and be forum heroes - but I could also read about the tenderness and heartfelt love you guys have for your precious cargos.

It makes for a very different perspective :) - and one which I have to admit, that I find very touching :)
Re: Hi

wobbles;751793 said:
You know, bro jason, it's quite heartwarming for me to read what you, C3PO etc wrote about your kids. I mean, sure, we can be full of nonsense on the Internet, and be forum heroes - but I could also read about the tenderness and heartfelt love you guys have for your precious cargos.

It makes for a very different perspective :) - and one which I have to admit, that I find very touching :)

....ya ya ...most so loving & tender ...charming..:inlove::inlove:

...but all married one...Kns...:sleepy:..

Re: Hi

jasonmaxima;751819 said:
I do try to attend GTG..... so I am not 100% internet hero!

Aiya, not referring to you, bro... I'm (thus far) an Internet Hero to most (except for the badminton sessions that Zorro keeps wanting to poke his racquet into me) - anyway, you know what I mean :)

Good man.
Re: Hi

i can vouch for jason as he is my spotter to try make me curb my rim one... he da man
Re: Hi

Chocs;751820 said:

....ya ya ...most so loving & tender ...charming..:inlove::inlove:

...but all married one...Kns...:sleepy:..


Chocs, Leia is my sister's daughter. But I'm quite close to her because we live next door to each other.

There's Hope. Dun give up. You have my number. Call me, cheers.
Re: Hi

C3P0;752039 said:
Chocs, Leia is my sister's daughter. But I'm quite close to her because we live next door to each other.

There's Hope. Dun give up. You have my number. Call me, cheers.

There's always hope. Episode IV is called A NEW HOPE mah hehehe.

Trust that Princess Leia is making a full recovery :)
Re: Hi

jasonmaxima;752016 said:
Hi raymond, how is your princess?
She's better now, thanks.

Super strong virus. Luckily she is strong in the Force, just like me.
Re: Hi

Good evening ac323. Tonight u run lion with which GF?
Re: Hi

Raymond tonight eating prata with Glenneagles nurses............. :|
Re: Hi

Good Morning Raymond.................

Re: Hi

Good morning everyone! Thanks once again.
Maybe today I will take half day to stay at home.

But I heard yesterday Guni was eating prata with Thomson nurses and ta bao back to share with s2k.

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