HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

I had HIOP ECU flash for my 730i as well. Definite improvement all round though I did not dyno it.
As we all know, most of the electronic tuning firms ( superchips, powerchip, HIOP, etc ) claim about 10% improvement in power and and 15% increase in torque.
So a gain of 23 bhp, though rather high in absolute figures, should still be consistent with the 10% claimed as the 3 litre puts out 231 bhp stock isn't it?
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

Sa13sg, thanks for the replies!

Piggyboyz, have you done any runs on the dyno to see the kind of gains you got from the Hi-Op?

Is it possible to doctor the end results of the dyno to indicate diff numbers? Like change certain settings?
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP


I just bought an e39 that had a HIOP ECU upgrade.

When I accelerate hard, the air coming out of aircon is warm (I understand that the aircon compressor shuts off).

Is this normal for HIOP ECUs?

Also, how do I find out exactly what the HIOP ECU does to my car?

Thanks. Still a beginner at this HIOP stuff.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

Have gone through two HIOP upgrades before. Never had problem of warm air on acceleration. Though BMWs are factory fitted with aircon compressor cutoff function at high engine load, it is definitely not normal to have a perceptable warming of the air flow on accelerating.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

it doesnt really serve any purpose to look at the peak numbers in any dyno chart in singapore. The purposes of dynoing your car, in my personal opinion are:

1) compare figures of modded run from base run.
2) air-fuel ratio
3) shape of your graph

if you are those who do a dyno of your car AFTER your mod, then attempt to compare it to manufacturer's specs, then you are simply wasting your money.

however, you can still look at your air-fuel ratio, (if you bothered to ask for that to be measured) and see how the remap changes your AFR, as tweaking AFR figures is actually one of the major components of an ECU remap in the first place.

also, look at the shape of your graph and see how your powerband is performing. an ECU can raise your rpm to 8000, but if the graph shows that power is tapering off, then you're just trashing your engine for no reason, for example. Or, it can also show up worrying faults in your power delivery, like in our friend's 730i, with a strange dip in the mid range.

Like what piggyboyz said, it's definitely not VANOS thats causing it, and the power dip due to the change in intake tract length is only a SMALL FRACTION of the dip we saw in the dyno. The dip in the graph should only look like a teenager's nipple, not an elephant's tits.

Also, the shape of the graph is very useful for people to study, when they change from NA to FI.

So, in summary, DONT BOTHER to look at the peak power/torque figures. Only use them as a ballpark guide, and use it more for a Before/After comparison. good luck my friend.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

sa13sg said:
ok. by now it is clear everyone agreed that the chart is messed up. How about just looking at the end point. 190 vs 213. SInce both test were done the same wrong way, the test should be roughly the same right. SO the difference may be due to HIOP then. (help me out guys, I am trying to justify the $1000 I have spent)

Based on the same dyno (b4 & after), there should be an increase in power. Even the butt dyno shows you that, rite? :)

With some info gathered, regarding the dip at 4500rpm, there is a possibility that there is a "false" shift of gears from lower to next higher at that rpm. Hiop may program it in such a way to protect your transmission in mid gears (3rd or 4th), it will shift the gears when it has max out...
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

yuin said:

I just bought an e39 that had a HIOP ECU upgrade.

When I accelerate hard, the air coming out of aircon is warm (I understand that the aircon compressor shuts off).

Is this normal for HIOP ECUs?

Also, how do I find out exactly what the HIOP ECU does to my car?

Thanks. Still a beginner at this HIOP stuff.

The compressor does shut off but you will not be able to feel the difference for that few seconds. There could be a leak in your aircon system under full load if under normal circumstances it is still cold.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

snowdog said:
Based on the same dyno (b4 & after), there should be an increase in power. Even the butt dyno shows you that, rite? :)

With some info gathered, regarding the dip at 4500rpm, there is a possibility that there is a "false" shift of gears from lower to next higher at that rpm. Hiop may program it in such a way to protect your transmission in mid gears (3rd or 4th), it will shift the gears when it has max out...

Yo Snowdog, is this dip something you have seen in any other cars that have done HiOP?
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

Nuke said:
Yo Snowdog, is this dip something you have seen in any other cars that have done HiOP?

From all the dyno graphs (cars with hiop programs) that we have got, it is apparent that it happens but for this car is obvious. But it is the only E65 that has gone thru the dyno, so I don know if it is the gearbox on the 7 that is different or what?
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

Hi all,
Just like to share my recent experience, got this guy to do the hiop thingy, at almost 1K, and found out that some fellow bimmers got it at 800, 3 months ago, almost 25% increae in price, WISH I COULD SAY THE SAME FOR THE HP.

Really felt ripped off, car feels about the same, maybe they just download and upload the same stuff after waiting 2 days. Anyway, valuable lesson learnt, a sucker is born everyday, :yummie:

There is no pure exhilaration from the flash, only frustration. Trusted the shop, since it looks real professional, in actual, not much different from papa mama shop, which I used to get my oil changed when I was driving my Jap car.

Was over-priced but under delivered. Has anyone got any similar experience to share?
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

CJ Han said:
Hi all,
Just like to share my recent experience, got this guy to do the hiop thingy, at almost 1K, and found out that some fellow bimmers got it at 800, 3 months ago, almost 25% increae in price, WISH I COULD SAY THE SAME FOR THE HP.

Really felt ripped off, car feels about the same, maybe they just download and upload the same stuff after waiting 2 days. Anyway, valuable lesson learnt, a sucker is born everyday, :yummie:

There is no pure exhilaration from the flash, only frustration. Trusted the shop, since it looks real professional, in actual, not much different from papa mama shop, which I used to get my oil changed when I was driving my Jap car.

Was over-priced but under delivered. Has anyone got any similar experience to share?

As we have mentioned to you that if prices were to increase overnight, we had to do it. We cannot stay the same price forever if our supplier decides to increase our base cost.

In the real world, if you can find a tuner who can tune, just the ECU, up to 25% of hp for your car, we would also like to sell that. For that matter of fact for the same price that we charge you if you could ever get the same horsepower/dollar gain.

For the fact that you can't feel it, please do not feel ripped off. We can always put back the original program, go for dyno. Flash in the upgraded program again, dyno again to show you the diff in hp gain. Some times, it's harder to feel when you felt that we have not done anything. Kindly do not assume that we upload & download the same thing out & into your ECU. Show us your prove to prove what you say is true.

Do you think that PPMM shops will explain so much in detail technically for what you are getting? Do they have high end diagnostic kits to your BMW?

Btw, in the end you did not pay close to 1k becoz of all the paperwork you shown to us. If you can let us dyno your car before and after program, we will show you the difference.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

Racebred said:
it doesnt really serve any purpose to look at the peak numbers in any dyno chart in singapore. The purposes of dynoing your car, in my personal opinion are:

1) compare figures of modded run from base run.
2) air-fuel ratio
3) shape of your graph

very true. if you dyno you car locally here you will be quite dissapointed with the figures you get. you may not even make stock as the dynos here simply do not have enough cooling capacity to replicate 160-180kmh pulls.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

Sori if I read the price wrongly, 800+ is 5% GST, so the price is still 23% higher. Yeah I got a $60 discount after showing them prices that was posted on this forum from previous customers. Thanx for the discount anyway. Just wished that I was in Germany where the "koo li kang" can increase 23% in 3 months!!

Anyway, would have been better if the guy who told me all the brilliant stuff abot hiop before I agreed to do the flash was also around to throw some light on the price increase. If it was genuine price increase by the Germans, convince don't evade, is the right way to go. Luckily, John was there to salvage the situation.

Fyi, in the service industry, the sale is not done when you collect the money, customer satisfaction is sometime important also. CS is what keeps the customer coming back. The 2 golden rule in the service industry (which I think you no already),

Rule #1, is that the poorer customer (after parting with his $$), is always right.
Rule #2, if the customer is not right, refer to rule #1.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

CJ Han said:
Sori if I read the price wrongly, 800+ is 5% GST, so the price is still 23% higher. Yeah I got a $60 discount after showing them prices that was posted on this forum from previous customers. Thanx for the discount anyway. Just wished that I was in Germany where the "koo li kang" can increase 23% in 3 months!!

Anyway, would have been better if the guy who told me all the brilliant stuff abot hiop before I agreed to do the flash was also around to throw some light on the price increase. If it was genuine price increase by the Germans, convince don't evade, is the right way to go. Luckily, John was there to salvage the situation.

Fyi, in the service industry, the sale is not done when you collect the money, customer satisfaction is sometime important also. CS is what keeps the customer coming back. The 2 golden rule in the service industry (which I think you no already),

Rule #1, is that the poorer customer (after parting with his $$), is always right.
Rule #2, if the customer is not right, refer to rule #1.

Honestly, if price of a product should increase overnight, it has to happen. Look at how our oil prices increase just by the snap of a finger. Why didn't you tell Shell, Mobil, etc that you wish your pay will increase by 10% every day?

If u ustand how we work out our prices u r stil confused/wrong. Btw, nobody mentioned GST here. If you ever know the previous price, it is not 23% increase. Out of goodwill, the discount was given to you. And it is pure goodwill.

Would you think the person who sells u anything will tell u price was cheaper previously and now price has gone up? How tedious is that going to be? A classic eg, u go to market & buy eggs, will the lady tell u "Sir, the price of eggs was 15c last month and now is 20c."?

If u would like, pls check with the rest of the hiop dealers in the world. What r the prices they charge. John was just as puzzled as me over what you said prior to uploading of the program.

FYI too, I wasn't in the service industry for very long but I do know that customers after paying is not always right. I only know that customers r important. For anybody in any situation, it's always doing the right thing and not do things your way.

As we have mentioned, let us prove it to u that the power gain is present in your car now.

In case that John did not mention to you, please note that the full effect of the program will be realised after driving for 400km as adaption has being clear. Your car needs to re-learn the new settings.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

let me look at this case in another manner oso service industry:

Area G..... Friend 3 mths ago recommended X-X at $100.. Today I go... was told to pay $150.. I sure to ask why? X-X said service will be better and medical fee has gone up!!.. I "agreed" and paid $150.

After d session, Knn normal leh... not worth paying $150...

Question : Shld I get a refund? Shld I complain to Frt Desk? Shld I complain to the whole world?

Nope I din go for either one... Cos I "Agreed" to pay in the 1st place...a risk that i hv to take.

Having said that, it will b a bonus if the frt desk would like to give me a discount... but than again the question is HOW MUCH?

Lesson learn : Damn shld have check with more friends and do more hmework and double Damn, I should have listen to brothers and stick to 2005 Resolution.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

snowdog said:
In case that John did not mention to you, please note that the full effect of the program will be realised after driving for 400km as adaption has being clear. Your car needs to re-learn the new settings.

I agree cos my ride felt the same...

I sold my ride liao, the new owner instantly can feel the different from the many similar car he tested before confirming.. He is a happy owner now.
Re: HIOP ECU Flashing increase by 23 HP

So now which service centre should we send to beside PML? Or what type of ECU upgrade to go for?

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