DreamDriver said:If there's hissing sound but aircon still cold, could that also be due to not enough gas?
piggyboyz said:Well it might be that
-- the hissing sound is not from air con
-- the hissing sound is from air con but the just slightly under pressure so air con still cold
DreamDriver said:But in my case
-- hissing sound seems confirmed to be from aircon cos when I off radio I can hear it very clearly, then when I off aircon it's gone
-- hissing sound has been there for months, so if it's not enough gas then unlikely that it's "just slightly" not enough
You think could be something else besides gas that is wrong with the aircon? I'm adopting the wait-until-it-spoils-then-see-how approach, you think that's advisable?
megaclaw said:Same problem here....I will top up the gas and see what happens.
DreamDriver said:Which aircon shop did you go to? Can post or PM me the address? Thanks!
megaclaw said:I went to another workshop recommended her.
They used a aircon gas top up system to drain the gas before top up.
Found that gas is quite empty.
This means the 1st workshop i went to try to con my $$$. :furious:
After top up...hissing sound disappear...but this also means somewhere is leaking.
Now crossing my fingers...hope the hissing sound dun come up else I will need to spend a lot more $$$$$$$ to trace the leak.