How did you choose / get your nickname?

Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

There are only two ingredients (in isolation or combined) for scammers to work:

One, greed, or the affinity to get a good saving.

Two, lack of research, either from apathy, laziness or lack of know-how.

Point is - nice intention to expose these scammers but I feel that most Singaporeans are far too lazy to do their own homework.

If the deal is too good to be true, it probably is !!!
Re: ryan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hello there ryan abt the name it just came to the mind anyway it stands for singapore useless soldier
Re: ryan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

hi guys. im new here. look fwd to interacting w all u bmw enthusiasts out there and more importantly solving our everyday bmw problems together. cheers
Re: ryan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

ryan;136859 said:
Hey guys,

As the title did you choose or get your nickname?

Mine is just my name, so i don't really count. How about yours?

Good question! I have no idea too!
Been using this in every forum. So I am very used to it! haha:shakemyb:
Re: dtpc, how did you choose / get your nickname?

just my, easier to not find a duplicate....
Re: How did you choose / get your nickname?

Hola - skywalker28..... a dead give-away that I'm an avid SW fan :) After watching the tri-trilogy (9 movies) again and again and again and again .... I have stopped counting after ... I think... the 300+th time......
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Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Simple... currently driving a Jap car and hoping 2 change to a Continental car soon.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi All,
sgab for my nick as in Some Guys Are B(*^%$ds or Some Girls Are B(#&^$hes
Re: How did you choose / get your nickname?

well.., my was simple.. ppl call me William and the numeric is my car plate.. :)

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