How did you choose / get your nickname?

Re: ryan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

cos my surname and my dialect name contains the letter 'c'
Re: CCx4, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi all. Happy Easter. CC are my initials. So CC was a natural choice for my nick. As for x4... I am known as CC, CCx1- CCx10. When I got to CCx10, even I could not remember which nick I registered as at which forum... so finally I decided to stick with x4 for all SG sites, x3 for all MY sites, instead of going on to x11, x12, x13... So CCx4 and x3 are active, and the rest are semi-dormant. :laughlik:
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

artrltr is the nick I have been using for quite a number of years. those who know me could probably guess the origin of the nick, those who don't, keep guessing :)
Re: ryan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

All because of my number plate I had on one of my cars.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

that's the name of my ride :cool: a spiffy Toyota Rush which sometimes needs, erm, encouraging.

and in case you're wondering.. "dababe" is an old old nick given to me by a good friend who said I ate too much junk, like the little pig from the movie "Babe"
Re: ryan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Well my name is Johnny & when I worked for Toyota in Port Newak NJ, an auto distribution center. I always wore my high school t-shirts & baseball caps in which I attended Bayonne High school. The guys started calling me johnnybayonne!!!!! It's fitting because I still live here in Bayonne N.J. USA.
Re: japboy, how did you choose / get your nickname?


Japboy cos I am still driving a japanese car (but hoping to move to a BMW soon) and i am a boy (or rather a very young at heart man) :) . However, everyone I meet always seems to scare me off with the high maintenence cost and point me to the new Camry (another Jap car :evil: )

Nice to meet everyone.....
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname? nick is actually my name. I tot it would be easier for ppl to recognise me. Cheers.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

my email address is [email protected], so i use codename07 as a login on many of my sites. its easier to remember. plus people think im a hitman, so thats where "codename" comes from. i also graduate from high school in 2007. thats why.
Re: codename07, how did you choose / get your nickname?

my email address is [email protected], so i use codename07 as a login on many of my sites. its easier to remember. plus people think im a hitman, so thats where "codename" comes from. i also graduate from high school in 2007. thats why.:)
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

anybody know any good places to buy bmw rims at other than ebay, craigslist etc?
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

My real name is Joe but the second name was given to me by one of the writers in a motoring magazine to protect my identity.
Re: codename07, how did you choose / get your nickname?

my name?humm i woke up one morning and it came to me it sounds actually it a name i got while working with this computer company downtown...sounds cool doesnt it?...:woowooo:
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

hi - i used to own a black tt supra (mk iv) and had a few trd bits on her. since she was my dream ride, i sort of chose the nick while i was on the UK forum (where i lived). currently drive a legacy and live in the east. nice to be here .....
Re: ryan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi Ryan,

It is just my name..

I am driving a E46, 318i Sport Edition.. Just got it two weeks ago. I used to drive a E36, 318i year 92 for 11 months before change to E46.

Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Cos I drive a E60 530 with no mods (i.e. minimalist :)) other than a set of Falken 451 tyres... the original run-flats were aweful!!

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