How did you choose / get your nickname?

Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

my name is lai thutt, there fore LT, family name is foo. Not very imaginative lah.
Re: iangay, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Ryan, interesting thread that you have started using my "nickname".

To set the record straight, my first name is Ian and my family name is Gay. So, iangay is actually my first and last name put together (not so much of a nickname that some may have expected)

Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

yeah, during my young age i like to play scum while taking bath.. ;P
Re: raymondtan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi, here's the reply from raymondtan: I didn't know that my "log-in" name will become my nickname. So I choose a simple to remember log-in name, that's how I ended up as raymondtan.
Wanted to change for a long time liao, will do it today.....bye bye "raymondtan".
Re: sting936, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Sorry fellows, haven't been to the site for a while and missed all these interesting discussions. And wow, all started from my nickname. Men, what an honor..

Anyway, I simply inserted an "i" to my initials of STNg, and STING is one of my favorite singer - from the ex group call "Police" if some of you are wondering who this is.

As for the numerals, not to sound too kinky, I simply flip 69, and added a 3 in between. Nothing special actually...

cheers and have a good weekend fellows... what a thread!
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

My other car is a Cressida..dom is the first 3 initials of my middle name..
So became cressidom..

Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi Alan,

Jackie is short for Jacqueline. Me getting me new BMW 323 first week October, looking forward to meeting up with all you BMW enthusiasts! Cheers, Jackie
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Mine... been using this nick for years... cannot be bothered to change it. Do own E46 together with my hubby. Hubby is the one who intro me into this forum. He's more into cars den me, I'm just being kay poh here. Now expecting dun think I'm ready to mingle around until I'm back in shape. Just wanna learn what is so exciting abt not juz owning a bmw and driving it. Have a good week. Cheers!
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi all,

Reason for my nick: Oakleynut --> I love Oakleys & my mum thinks I'm nuts, hence = oakleynut.

I drive a AUDI A3 in Vancouver, Canada. Contact me if anyone drops by k... see ya...
Re: sgscooter2929, how did you choose / get your nickname?

hi ... as for the scooter , i love to ride on scooter but dun have the chance , so as for the 2929 .............. that my lucky nos ..... after all scooter are cool .....:) cheers
Re: AkiraDan, how did you choose / get your nickname?

hey there!
got this nick decades back with a bit of jap 'akira' and part of my name 'daniel'
lol.. stole the idea from my sis too.. lol
Re: B7S, how did you choose / get your nickname?

I've choosen that nickname because i own a BMW ALPINA B7S from 1982.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Happen to see my name appear. Have not make any posting here but visit this site almost everyday. Like to post but my english F9, so just read all the posting. Polytec is my company name, i just used poly to short cut. My year 1965, so poly65 loh.
Re: matchless, how did you choose / get your nickname?

ryan;136859 said:
Hey guys,

As the title did you choose or get your nickname?

Mine is just my name, so i don't really count. How about yours?

Goodness, i didn't even know this thread existed until i happened to see it! :)

Seems like i'm really late to reply you, bro! Sorry!

Well my name "matchless".... got the inspiration from a particular British guitar amplifier manufacturer (i happen to play the guitar too). Was really crazy about those amps back then, and since then, i have used that nickname for most of my forum nicks.

Hell, i even got a fake licence plate done in australia with "matchless" on it. :)
Re: How did you choose / get your nickname?

TripleM;137122 said:
TripleM = MMM so instead of naming my ride as M3, I chose TripleM instead.

Btw, Triple M is the name of a popular radio station in Australia. Quite popular in brisbane, melbourne, sydney etc....

They also have Triple J ...

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