How did you choose / get your nickname?

Re: manggi12, how did you choose / get your nickname?

I used it to remind myself on the tough moment I had when I was studying in England. With little money from scholarship, I bought a lot of instant noodle "mangi" to go through the first and second years. That's how I get my nick!:yummie:
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hello all, no particular reason for my nick, just that I don't behave 'generically' usually.
Re: S3blackice, how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi all, new to here. Got this nic from a friend n had been using it since then for years. Hope to learn more about BMW here.
Re: ahyoung, how did you choose / get your nickname?

.... because ah young want to be young mah and in resemble of my first Thai Girl Friend "Ah yen":lol:
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

my friends started calling me that. easier to remember. nice to meet u
Re: evantan66, how did you choose / get your nickname?

It's my e-mail ID n I use it for almost all accounts so won't forget easily.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

HI All,

I am new to this forum.. I am into Greek legends and heros and Orpheus is my favourite greek hero.. I love the love story between him and his wife, Eurydice..

See you guys around.

Re: YoYoGeek, how did you choose / get your nickname?

I love technology, so I call meself a geek, but not like the traditional type with thick glasses and because technology can up up and down like a yoyo, like RIM blackberry and Apple iphone, one goes down and the other one goes up. In the end, I make up this nickname YoYoGeek.

Technology changes so fast.
Re: Teekum, how did you choose / get your nickname?


thanks for having me, nice forum!
Re: Flying Car, how did you choose / get your nickname?

I always wanted a car that can fly during traffic jam. Although it already had in US & need a pilot license to drive it, do not thing it will happen so soon in Singapore, maybe my next lifetime. Cheers.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

i fly a helicopter. Helo. 795 is the block i stayed at previously =D
Re: xiaojong, how did you choose / get your nickname?

actually its jiong. thats my chinese name. but i think by mistake, i forgotten to add in the "i". is it too late to do anything now? can mod pls assist to change it to JIONG instead of the current JONG?:)
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

I enjoy keeping Odd monster fishes, subsequently became known as Oddballz.. So this nick has been establish in fish forums, fishing forums & car forums..
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

SLS is my kid's initials and Ody is my current MPV. I'm looking around for a used X5 :)


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