How did you choose / get your nickname?

Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

my nick comes by my name, Jackson, Shen for my hanyu pinynig surname (Sim), 84 for the year i was born
Eventually, Jackshen84 had been used as well as other forum. BTW, i'm new here. lots to read up ;)
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Degaussme!? It all happened many years ago where I owned a 21in CRT PC monitor. there's a "degauss" button where each time I pressed it, the screen demagnetized with sme funny effect. I thot it was cool back then, thus I chooses degauss... Lol.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

SCG8866t was my dad's carplate number, the first carplate no. that we ever bought.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Hi all. RJK are the my 3 kids' first alphabet. My ride is 320i.
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

poor in Aberdeen Uni
Re: [you], how did you choose / get your nickname?

Can someone tell me why this thread knows my name?

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