How to change Gear Knob??


Well-Known Member
I just bought a half silver/ leather gear knob for my E46 318iA.
I was told to put the gear to neutral and pull the hand brake then pull the present knob out.
However, with much strength, still cannot pull the current knob out.
Am I doing the correct way?

Or should I go to one of the car accessories shop for them to change it....any recommendations which to go?
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

Yes correct.

Pull all you can..but USE A PILLOW AGAINST YOUR FACE.

It has happened to a couple of other members who have made their noses bleed.

I used a pillow, and i prevented knocking myself out.

Press the button and YANK it out. Don't pull it out without the pillow. Remember!
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

ryan said:
Yes correct.

Pull all you can..but USE A PILLOW AGAINST YOUR FACE.

It has happened to a couple of other members who have made their noses bleed.

I used a pillow, and i prevented knocking myself out.

Press the button and YANK it out. Don't pull it out without the pillow. Remember!

Harrrr...Is there a easier way to do this?
If I ask car accessories shop to do mean they also follow the same procedure?
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

megaclaw said:
Harrrr...Is there a easier way to do this?
If I ask car accessories shop to do mean they also follow the same procedure?

Yep, it, why pay when you can do it for free?
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

Okie....hope I do not have to foot medical bills for that.

Before I pull out....guess i need to detach the leather dust cover first right.

Wonder if I need to stand on the seats and pull towards my stomach...ouch!
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

If possible, try to straddle your handbrake area, and position yourself such that you have good leverage to pull it out.

Adjust the rear-view mirror so it doesn't interfere with you pulling it out. You do not have to remove the leather dust cover.

Remember the pillow.
Re: How to change Gear Knob??


Bring your gear knob to this coming meet-up some guys here sure can help, but need to bring pillow tactically and don't let your GF or wife know.....cos women don't buy Ryan's reason of nose bleeded... :whipper:
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

arsenal62 said:

Bring your gear knob to this coming meet-up some guys here sure can help, but need to bring pillow tactically and don't let your GF or wife know.....cos women don't buy Ryan's reason of nose bleeded... :whipper:

Whahahahahaha! Nick! Whahahahaha!! Its quite tough to pull the knob out!

Remember... "THE PILLOW"
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

Okie....bros.....will try tonight.

But bring pillow to car park...????...dunno whether others think I got kicked out by wife to sleep in car.
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

Manage to pull the knob out...hee..hee..without the pillow.
The trick is move your head aside.
Thanks everyone.

Re: How to change Gear Knob??

Liverpudlian said:
By the way mega, how much you bought the gear knob?

I bought it at $98 from Eng Soon. PML selling for $147.
Re: How to change Gear Knob??

Sorry to bring up an old thread guys, but has anyone tried and succeeded in removing the smg gear knob from a 6 series and replacing it with another? I need to know if the original leather boot around the SMG knob can be removed and switched over to a new knob.

Thanks in advance...lots of great help here on this forum.

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