Re: How to pre-set the profile for F30 two set of keys?
Like what slow_poke_driver said, it's dependent on which key you unlocked the car with and tied to the active profile. For two keys to be independent you need to set up at least two profiles. And you shouldn't have both keys with you obviously while doing this for simplicity.
If you have both keys then you need to unlock the car out of comfort access distance remotely. If you have only one key on your person even comfort access will work nicely.
System works a treat on my F30 for my wife and I. There is only one glitch I found, where if my wife locks the car and folds the mirrors, when I unlock and unfold using my profile the left side mirror kerb tilt during reverse is askew. Don't understand why. But if she doesn't fold the mirrors, everything works great. Language settings, nav, radio, airconditioning and obviously seat and mirror positions.