How to sell BMW325


I have a black BMW 325 that I bought new from Performance Motors in March 2010. It's in great condition but coming up to the half-way mark on its CoE.

I would like to sell it soon.

Can forum members give me advice, tips and pitfalls to avoid for selling this car.

Re: How to sell BMW325

If you wanna sell DIRECT, do some research on SG Carmart, vis-a-vis comparables - same model same year similar depreciation numbers blah blah blah.

If you wanna sell to dealers, use the research done above and hold it as a yardstick to negotiate against low bids.

Tips - no need to pay in Singapore. You can pay tips to me for these constructive remarks.

Pitfalls - always do DVP = Deliver-Versus-Payment. Do not hand over keys without sighting cash/evidence of transfer. And beware of pretty lady prospects showing ample cleavages. Refer them to me.

Re: How to sell BMW325

Get ready all information and charts regarding the following:

1. FC
2. Where and how many times you washed your car
3. What % is the tinting and what brand
4. What brand are your car mats
5. Where did you service your car and how many KM intervals and then co-relate this to issue No. 1 (above)
6. FC vs Ron of petrol

Most important tip is, can you take the low balling?
Re: How to sell BMW325

A typical car salesman statement......
Re: How to sell BMW325

Many other tips if you surf SGCM enough.....

- "car driven by wife/daughter"
- "for ferrying kids/grocery shopping only"
- "always parked under shelter"
- "polished weekly"
- "mistress' second car"
- "regularly serviced, all records/receipts"
Re: How to sell BMW325

Yeah ok, so now Kenntona and I have briefly run through the practical starting points for selling the car, now we go to the commercial meaty part of describing your car for sale..

when you post your car for sale, remember bro, and trust me on this...never ever say you revved your car hard because its a BMW. Don't listen to the people here. Revving cars is a non starter cos people will say "wah u revved hard before, engine sure problem"

Just describe simply:

"always parked under shelter"
"never been to Malaysia"
"never tracked before"
"Wife's car to ferry kids to nursery and back only"
"weekend car, garage queen"
etc etc

I tell you, potential buyers DIG such statements!
Re: How to sell BMW325

Pitfalls to avoid - avoid selling with hidden costs. Don''t use names like Jover Chew.
Re: How to sell BMW325

Tell ya... be honest. Dun waste time on all the crap just put OWNER 5TH CAR.
Re: How to sell BMW325

Make sure you dont ask buyer need warranty or not, also dont let them kneel down even they feel grateful by your selling price. Coz stomper don't care about your conversation.

Most important, be friend with Mr Eugene and Case che meh.

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