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I want to buy a 1992 E36 320i

There is one nice white one from a forumer 320i(A) wif full original M kit. Can try contact owner at 9114 3646 if still available.
Did you check out yesterday's paper.. '92 320 manual for sale.. well I did. Wouldn't say in immaculate condition, but manual super rare..and in original black.. rather high mileage but engine still creamy smooth IMO, 6 pot and manual real joy..wonderful! But thot can do with more pulling power. Sold already by lunchtime. Who bought it? Auto can find anytime, but manual really sells...
e36_bbs said:
Did you check out yesterday's paper.. '92 320 manual for sale.. well I did. Wouldn't say in immaculate condition, but manual super rare..and in original black.. rather high mileage but engine still creamy smooth IMO, 6 pot and manual real joy..wonderful! But thot can do with more pulling power. Sold already by lunchtime. Who bought it? Auto can find anytime, but manual really sells...

Sold at lunchtime??? really??? tats fast... was interested, only thing is that the car is really stock and he's asking quite a bit....wld have to spend loads to do it up man....hee.... anybody knows of any 320s on sale??? cheers
Was he asking too much.??. thot 35k for COE till jan 2012 quite reasonable ...less than 5k/yr anyway sold already.. can look at the classifieds, should have some 320A with the dealers..good luck.
Re: I want to buy a 1992 E36 320i

plunge said:
If you have an immaculate condition 1992 E36 320i to sell, let me know. Preferably no dealers. Private deal. Call me at 96864676. Cheers.


Check if the Engine has Vanos. If Im not wrong 1992 model do not have, maybe late 92 onwards?

But its only single vanos, M50 Engine. Only M52 then have double Vanos.
Re: I want to buy a 1992 E36 320i

[quote="Whisky_TangoCheck if the Engine has Vanos. If Im not wrong 1992 model do not have, maybe late 92 onwards?

But its only single vanos, M50 Engine. Only M52 then have double Vanos.[/quote]

Wa Bro,

I'm glad u still remember ur BMW stuff hahahaha !!!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I still love BMWs... Drove 3 different models of the 3 series for 6yrs since 98. Here and there will still remember alittle.

If total up the depre, maintenance and the mod amount. Think can buy a brand new 2.2 camry liao. :screwedu: :screwedu:
Re: I want to buy a 1992 E36 320i

Whisky_Tango said:
plunge said:
If you have an immaculate condition 1992 E36 320i to sell, let me know. Preferably no dealers. Private deal. Call me at 96864676. Cheers.


Check if the Engine has Vanos. If Im not wrong 1992 model do not have, maybe late 92 onwards?

But its only single vanos, M50 Engine. Only M52 then have double Vanos.

Does anyone here knows which website has info on the torque generated from these engines?? Majority only shows the BHP @ which RPM....thanks.
Which junkyard was that..? Propel? Heard there is at least one other junkyard dealing wif bimmer parts, somewhere in Defu Lane. That's the result of our prestigous COE system, cars getting chopped only 5 yrs old or younger, our contribution to a greener world. Sigh...
e36_bbs said:
Which junkyard was that..? Propel? Heard there is at least one other junkyard dealing wif bimmer parts, somewhere in Defu Lane. That's the result of our prestigous COE system, cars getting chopped only 5 yrs old or younger, our contribution to a greener world. Sigh...

Yup was at propel.... wat's the name of the junkyard in defu?? Sigh...see also no use... need to look for a e36 ride first.... :laughlik:

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