jaskin said:hrrrrbody in the club get tipsy. Michelle, these are camera phone shots?
thanks for organising the event. Even came straight from work... so hard working
babe said:hey..Royce, thanks for the ice cream... next time we go again and try the choc fondue...hehe
adsnx said:Sorry tat i couldnt make it for part II las night.....
mich..thou we also took a pix together?
i think so. I felt so sleepy after that..goshelmariachi said:ermmm..where is saify in the pics? First time i was scrutinizing for someone big and blad in the photo. but i only saw a bald guy but that aint saify. Gadaffi, you really look stone man. what ice cream did u take man. ganja ice-cream? :nehnehhh:
gadaffi said:i think so. I felt so sleepy after that..gosh
StevanT said:Gadaffi ---> I wanted to call u ... but dun have your number .... But dun worry, Fiona Xie is going again this wed ... MAMBO ; ) haha ... U want ?
louis said:fiona xie........mmmm.......*drool*
end OT