Interior Trimming?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, anyone got lobang as to where can get the titanium or silver trimming? Roughly how much?

Re: Interior Trimming?

I think you can go to any spray shop and just do a spray job, won't be cheap..but i reckon it will cost around 150? At least its cheaper than buying off the shelf ...

PML sells them around 300+ if im not wrong.... go call them up and check?
Re: Interior Trimming?

Thanks for your help man! Any other fancyful stuff i can install to make the interior look chio? All my friends laughing at the interior of an e46. Sad truth, bimmer makes good exterior but pretty screwed up interior man.
Re: Interior Trimming?

I have a set of the Alu cube trim (original and hardly used) for sale. PM me if you are intrested.
Re: Interior Trimming?

Hey //M

For coupe or sedan? Not sure what ride Liverpudlian has.

Re: Interior Trimming?

stock trim in a 320.

Looks like..err...alternating black / grey cubes. Rubber overlay.
Re: Interior Trimming?

saw the Diy trim...hmm I think i'm gonna pry out those trims of mine...i'll spray paint it chrome..hmmm...hope it'll be successful!
Re: Interior Trimming?

What about Carbon Fiber? ;)
Re: Interior Trimming?

Erert said:
saw the Diy trim...hmm I think i'm gonna pry out those trims of mine...i'll spray paint it chrome..hmmm...hope it'll be successful!

How do you spray it chrome? Show us the results can?
Re: Interior Trimming?


I have both the original titanium and alu cube trim. SMS at 97665993 if you are interested.

Re: Interior Trimming?

keke... i saw this bottle of chrome spray paint the other day that's also for high temp.... just have to strip my car this weekend...will take photos..haha...when i do it...
Thanks too for the offer to sell me ur least i got a back case...we'll talk price then...heeh
Re: Interior Trimming?

ah ha! I bought 1 bottle each of chrome & clear spray paint, sandpaper and a mask... for about 13bucks! Also removed my trims wasn't as difficult. tooks some photos my bmw looks funny...naked...haa...

Btw i managed to scratch the rubbery surface out and am still in the process of sanding it to give a smooth surface... hahaa
Re: Interior Trimming?

Erert said:
ah ha! I bought 1 bottle each of chrome & clear spray paint, sandpaper and a mask... for about 13bucks! Also removed my trims wasn't as difficult. tooks some photos my bmw looks funny...naked...haa...

Btw i managed to scratch the rubbery surface out and am still in the process of sanding it to give a smooth surface... hahaa


Wanna see!!
Re: Interior Trimming?

Hmm...this was i finished sanding right arm's i have to spray it..Wait...i don't have the primer...i guess i won't use it...too lazy to look for it..hmm...oh i tried spraying the chrome on a plastic bag to make sure it doesn't "eat" my looks a tad too bright...and when i sprayed the clear became a dull aluminium colour... should i continue or get a new colour...should i just do chrome...hmmm...what a dilemma....
Re: Interior Trimming?

arh...i might as well show u the results on the plastic bag... the left side is just chrome, the right is with clear spray. Hmmm...I can visualise my car turning into a microwave? hmmm...or a tin can? hmmm....oh man my fingers are so rough i have to decide and spray paint all of them...

Oh yah...i was surfing the net and i realised u need to paint it in the day when it's hot? why....i want to just paint it now!!! hmmm...haha...btw i'm not using primer too..haha..i swear I'll have to contact the bro //m when my experiement and laziness fails me... :)
Re: Interior Trimming?

haa... i should have paid abit more attention to my technical teacher when i was in sec sch last time...hmmm I just tried spray painting looks gross...everything that could have gone wrong went wrong..the pieces touched each other while i was lifting it, i sprayed it too thick, there were bubbles... I'm going to sand it down tomoorw..i hope that's the right thing to do...haha...(was a

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