AFTMKT Magazine is back with their tenth installment of our Pizza Party, and headlining this month's event is AFTMKT's collaboration with BMW.SG - in conjunction with our year-end meet (& Nov. monthly meet), they will be bringing festivities to a whole different level!
Expect photography services, booth sales for simple items and more!!!
(& of course, free pizza and drinks!)
But a gentle reminder: let's not forget the values at the very core of the Pizza Parties - friendship and love for cars!
The event is FREE and open to EVERYONE regardless of marque, and entry is free.
A small number of lots (about 15-20 approximate) will be set aside for BMW.SG members, so do arrive early as parking spaces inside the venue are limited and reserved lots will be on a first come first served basis. There will be ample slots along the roads outside should you arrive slightly later. So do give your support and join us!
RSVP on Facebook:
Event details HERE:
- Bring along your own rides, modified or not, BMW or not!
- Mingle around, try not to stick to your own group!
- Contribute some food or drinks if you like!
Date: 29 November 2013
Time: 7pm - Midnight
9 Changi North Way
Singapore 498797
Location on Google Maps »
AFTMKT HQ was also where the Mighty Car Mods meet happened earlier in the year!
Support your local events!
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