Jokes on race/religion

Re: Jokes on race/religion

totoseow;377493 said:
1. if a random foreigner called me a chink...he is asking for it. the last ang mor who said my car looks ludicrous..had me calling him white trash back. but then does it mean i think that way of all white people? no. fact is anyone HOSTILE can call me anything...if he can dish it out, he better be prepared to take some from me.

2. u know how its likely to happen. this foreigner friend of yours is gonna yell at u from across the road "CHINK"....u think i m gonna just dash across n hammer the shitt out of him...? unlikely la. there will always be time to establish ur relationship with him....just like, if anyone seriously bothers to read the back-n-fro between omar and bobby in that thread...they would have established they r friendly jibes.

the difference here is that...i wun be going to u edwin...n whisper to u that...ur foreigner friend is trying to be racist. neither wud i tell my friends that ED's friend just called him chink.

point well made...
my argument however is that the word "chink" in itself is derogatory and offensive. used in any context can be subject to interpretation and may render the user to be viewed as racist, even though he may not be.

i do agree about the whispering though...

Re: Jokes on race/religion

most of the admins here are already very flexible enough.
all of us should know when and when not to toe the line.
Re: Jokes on race/religion

axl;377404 said:
Cross-posted from


So does it mean that it's ok from now on, to post and crack jokes about another person's race/religion if I deem to know the person relatively well, eg. Gadaffi?

"Hey Gad, why do M----s always hold weddings at void decks eh? HAHAHA"

Axl, but gadaffi doesn't live in HDB.

Can i pls check, do u have any guidelines for me to make fun of malaysians driving singapore evos who play soccer at alexandra hosp? :lol2: no names mentioned.
Re: Jokes on race/religion

nuke ur signature is racist....better i tell u first b4 others think i not ur friend n come n whisper whisper.

btw...i m not japanese..but i love ninjas
Re: Jokes on race/religion

totoseow said:
nuke ur signature is racist....better i tell u first b4 others think i not ur friend n come n whisper whisper. btw...i m not japanese..but i love ninjas
Wahahahahahaha, so precise !!!
Re: Jokes on race/religion


"Now, whether the person in question felt comfortable or otherwise, he has to gauge his relationship with the person posting the question. Afterall, it is between the two persons - why are other people judging how the question should be asked? If the person felt uncomfortable, retort back - akin to "eh, father mother dun play leh...." The other party will apologise and close the conversation. If the person plays along, and joke along with the question, what offence is taken?"

Agree with the above. But if the said comment/"joke" is in the public domain then? Will it changes matters?

Personally I have asked Gad on matters pertaining to his religious practices 'cos I was genuinely curious. But I make sure that my tone was that of one seeking knowledge, in a respectful manner. Cos no matter how close to him (that I may think I am), there are some sensitivities I would rather not tread upon, either unwittingly or otherwise.

Chicane: Can you seriously laugh at this? I know I don't...



"if my good buddy gad comes n call me a chink....i will not bother. its him and me. the last thing i need is for someone else to come whisper to me that he thinks its racist."

But that's cos you allow him to, right? Flipping the coin around, would you then be comfortable testing his tolerance and calling him a "Mat"? And posting notes on actual wooden noticeboards at the same time of the term, where anybody of any race can see?


I just feel that this watershed topic, is a good precipitator to discuss about online do/don't boundaries, especially wrt potentially touchy topics like race/religion. If starting this topic, makes pp sit up and think, and see things from a different light, then it would have been worth the bandwidth it occupies already, I reckon.
Re: Jokes on race/religion

no axl i think u r digging too deep. this issue is simply about tolerance. i will give my friend all the tolerance he needs. its something between him n me. i may call him mat..he may call me cheena ah beng..n we r both fine...but that doesnt mean i will date his wife.

i think its very clear what we r trying to establish here. both sides r correct. nobody is wrong. the degree of tolerance between friends r something only they can decide. putting it down on an open forum will invite opinions of the other sort...which is NOT wrong either. its a judgement call in the end...whichever way u see it...there is no hard n fast rule.

the problem here to me is that...ppl who dunno better shud just STFU (shut the fish up).....n not stir the pot. take the speck out of your own eye b4 u take the log out of mine....

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire MArk 9:47

btw i dun wear specs.
Re: Jokes on race/religion

Agree mostly with what you said, but...

I would think that the crux of this matter is the message itself, not so much the ID of the message-bearer.

I dunt read the bible either. ;)
Re: Jokes on race/religion

Actually the guy with the upcoming new M3, did state in his earliler replies that it was very racist what bobby wrote (bobby you are racists~something like that). As he is perhaps well liked and known to be a jolly good fellow, he perhaps had no choice but to accept what was unfolding in front of him even though inside he did not like it. ie he cannot be calling out for a fight so he just plays along. (swell guy mah !) and that, in my own personal opinion, indians are very tolerent people.

So for those that think that others should not bother in case the victim himself is not complaining, is so so wrong. Sometimes victims also need help whether they are openly calling out for it or not. There is nothing wrong with Centu voicing his concerns and yet so many people think he is a busy body. What "this is a private joke and that curd can take it lah" etc. Jokes have known to sometimes go overboard. Like date rape. she wants it lah. She asking for it lah. Ya right !!!

Private joke... sure then take them private then. Not in an open forum. As some say, don't like the party (ie don like the joke then don't see lor, it is only a private joke between friends mah.). So the same goes, don't like the rules of the forum on racist remarks, then ..... so you see. Works both ways.

A lot of people are turning this forum into their own little playground. Distinction between the insiders and the outsiders. The different groups, the loud group, serious group, uncle group , mod group, you get the drift. And some of them have their own "rules" especially if it is between themselves etc. That is what axl was try to refer to.

And that the reason for this unfolding of back~forth power-play, is simply to mark teritories, one's rights. my friend not your friend. oh man! But very interesting nonetheless. Oilman, particularly like your opinion !

Must be all this recent talk about having a workers quarters in Serangoon to balance up. What do you think ?
Re: Jokes on race/religion

totoseow;377522 said:
the problem here to me is that...ppl who dunno better shud just STFU (shut the fish up).....n not stir the pot. take the speck out of your own eye b4 u take the log out of mine....

Agreed. There was really no issue to begin with. All this negativity for nothing....
Re: Jokes on race/religion

axl said:
I would think that the crux of this matter is the message itself, not so much the ID of the message-bearer.
Okay, in that case, do you deemed this "message" to Kelvin as offensive to either fat people or people who are offended with the ASS word, no? Public forum, mind you.

axl said:
At least I am Fat-x. You are either Deek-HL or Yew-Pee-Ass!

No? Not offensive, because you are the message sender? What about the rest of the forum?

You see, even the message itself can be subjected to so many intepretation. Your personal jokes can also be deemed offensive !!!

Live and let live lah........
Re: Jokes on race/religion

axl...what message?

the message is tolerance. we dun deliberately insult others race nor religion. we dun wanna cause deep hurt. we do not do that....we should not do that. especially online. that is all very clear isnt it?

if this has anything to do with the incident preceding this discussion..then that incident was a private joke. let whoever who does not agree with that say it out loud here. n we can all be judges if whoever is an active member of this community in the first place. i am not a moral policeman here with no double standards.

but im intelligent enough to draw a line between a serious insult hurled and a passing joke. the line i draw will be thick because i have do not have the mental capacity of a neanderthal.
Re: Jokes on race/religion

Allan;377526 said:
Actually the guy with the upcoming new M3, did state in his earliler replies that it was very racist what bobby wrote (bobby you are racists~something like that). As he is perhaps well liked and known to be a jolly good fellow, he perhaps had no choice but to accept what was unfolding in front of him even though inside he did not like it. ie he cannot be calling out for a fight so he just plays along. (swell guy mah !) and that, in my own personal opinion, indians are very tolerent people.

So for those that think that others should not bother in case the victim himself is not complaining, is so so wrong. Sometimes victims also need help whether they are openly calling out for it or not. There is nothing wrong with Centu voicing his concerns and yet so many people think he is a busy body. What "this is a private joke and that curd can take it lah" etc. Jokes have known to sometimes go overboard. Like date rape. she wants it lah. She asking for it lah. Ya right !!!

Private joke... sure then take them private then. Not in an open forum. As some say, don't like the party (ie don like the joke then don't see lor, it is only a private joke between friends mah.). So the same goes, don't like the rules of the forum on racist remarks, then ..... so you see. Works both ways.

A lot of people are turning this forum into their own little playground. Distinction between the insiders and the outsiders. The different groups, the loud group, serious group, uncle group , mod group, you get the drift. And some of them have their own "rules" especially if it is between themselves etc. That is what axl was try to refer to.

And that the reason for this unfolding of back~forth power-play, is simply to mark teritories, one's rights. my friend not your friend. oh man! But very interesting nonetheless. Oilman, particularly like your opinion !

Must be all this recent talk about having a workers quarters in Serangoon to balance up. What do you think ?

allan u r definitely not wrong. u r very right. i do not question rules n laws. they r there for a reason...else we might as well carry clubs n yank any women away by the hair if we take a fancy.

hence my point is that...there will always be differing opinions...and more.

this forum is indeed a playground, like all other forums. its a lounge for me to eat meet my friends. to laugh, to learn. whilst i understand that there r various faction using this space...but how different is it say from your office? u v ur own cliques in ur office? or do u talk n laugh with all your colleagues across boundaries? allan, we r in a breathing society. if we draw lines that r too defined...or if we allow every little joke to be deemed a threat then what do we become?

i m not challenging fact i feel u have said something which i agree with...the part about territorial markings n the different types here. it simply happens everywhere. this is democracy isnt it? or do we go back to the dark times of living under despots?

i m glad this place is like this....i dun wanna go to a forum where we all talk like robots. when i have to censor myself b4 posting. i run a bicycle forum where there r no rules...u r free to slime extreme as it sounds, let me give u my observations:

we have seen vicious fights....and what happens in the end? they simply die down...
granted, thats an xtreme scenario, and i dun advocate that here. i do not make income from the bike forum...but i know this forum has a purpose. there r site advertisers....hence.

still, lighten up people....all these bullshitt gives me a i m out of here soon. i got a new exos...n i m going to give others a head ache. ai play futsal mai?
Re: Jokes on race/religion

Fat... completely non-offensive. Cos I'm describing myself.. not making a stmt like "fat pp are so-so... (add list of negative connoctations)".

As for "ass" - if anybody objects, I'll edit it out. Or anybody objecting to the sexually-deviant practice of peeing into the anus for that matter... :p

Toto: I'm tired too, shall leave it at that.. see you at futsal.
Re: Jokes on race/religion

the problem here to me is that...ppl who dunno better shud just STFU (shut the fish up).....n not stir the pot. take the speck out of your own eye b4 u take the log out of mine....

I think it's you who is taking it too deeply. Suddenly you are the champion for Bobby and Elm ? or you have a personal agenda with Centu ? Because it becomes seemingly glaring. why should you take the voice out of people by asking people to STFU ? because it does not suit your ears ?

People have mentioned that you don't have to read what you don't like. The more you push it, the more you show elms what a friend you are. Someone else is simply speaking up for him and you are so much against it and decides for them what this stranger can and cannot say. ie both your friends, one girl, one guy, looks like girl is gets moved on, stranger comes in with a remark, you scold him for disturbing and close the door behind them so that they, your friends can deal with it themselves (does not matter whether the girl ends up getting raped or not) and scold the guy for being kaypoh. You not kaypoh ? i don't see elms or bobby asking you to voice their opinions.

And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire Mark 9:47

Don't go quoting scriptures if you don't understand them. The real meaning is, if you see Centu and hate him so much that you want to do him bad, then you should pluck out your own eye because you are not suppose to bear so much hatred that makes you think of such bad things. Then only can you go to heaven.

Nothing to do with centu seeing something that offends him and thus he should pluck out his eyes so that he does not have to see it.

FYI Satan did that very often to test God and to bend it so that it suits his purpose. Now we going into religion.... ?

Anyway, point is everyone has a right to free speech ! sinners and goodies
Re: Jokes on race/religion

is the "intent" of the utterer the standard by which we decide whether or not something is offensive?

more often than not, we interpret things the way we want to, regardless of the intent of the poster/user. indeed, our very own penal laws often places an act as the basis of intent (rightly or wrongly) eg, more than 15g of drugs=intent to smuggle etc...

i believe that while the "intent" is important to determine the content (like i previously posted), the substance of the comment is in itself subject to subjective interpretation and consequently offence, regardless of intent.

that's why i say the word "chink" is, imho, on it's very own offensive, regardless of the usage, context or intent, and that'll i raise objection should i CHOOSE to get involved...

perhaps i'm too impulsive or bigoted...?

Re: Jokes on race/religion

Anyway i just did what you say (not being a robot) by writting what i feel. No prejudice intended.

Also because I heard you can really take out a person at futsal and thus since your invite to join in, which i may well take up, i hope to get your pardon first.
Re: Jokes on race/religion

Allan;366868 said:
Don't worry la, we know how big of a joker, these banglas are, so not one single tiny little bit of offence taken.

They only joking nia, never serious about their words one. This one thing, you are right, they are quite liddat one. buay steady hor.

small thing, small thing,

So guys dun wi bangla mong kok ya. wi chee much much better.

been wanting to ask you what is the meaning of the last line? care to explain?

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