Re: Knocked into a curb today
Hi kenntona,
One, the need to book an appointment - even when you are already at the shop front. We need to understand that there are peak spots in the workshops' schedules, even if it looks empty when you were there. They would have know their schedules better, and it is only logically to assume that they will not turn any business away if they could handle their schedules.
Reply: I didnt know when i was making my way until i check but since there might as well try. Im not angry for been asked to book an appt, i totally understand.
Two, the claim that your friend needed no appointment. We wouldn't know for sure if there was prior appointment made, or that your friend's case is a re-visit. The context could well be a case of "you can drop by anytime after X pm" hence giving your an impression of no-need-for-appointment. It is noteworthy that your friend was already R2D's client - he could know their schedule better. My take is - both cases are not comparable, given that we have no clue what was the context of yor friend's ad hoc visit to R2D.
Reply: it was his 1st visit there too. Weather he did make an appt or not im not sure as he only mentioned tat he went there on X day & had his issue fix up.
Three, in R2D's context, inspection, unlike specific trouble-shooting, is a more detailed job - which will take hours. Besides rescheduling, it is only fair to assume that this service is charge-able UNLESS the car's maintenance/repairs are to be executed there. Whether the other workshops do this for free could also be contextual. You could well drive into any workshop and ask for a check and then revert with a "I need a second opinion" excuse to drive away. The other workshops may be expecting your return for a business deal. In R2D's context, you have already expressed that you will be sending your ride to PML. This one-off check justifies a charge on inspection, IMO.
Reply: as wat i reply to Red_Bean_Bun, if e sms were to be more clearer ive would not have mistaken.
Four, why do you need to counter-check the faults with R2D you have already diagnosed with other workshops?
Reply: to double confirm it & also some other issues on my car which in hope they can trace it. As even AD couldnt & already been to afew workshop.
I guess it seems like a misunderstanding on e sms. I sincerely apologise if this makes u guys feel otherwise.. Afterall, im just sharing what ive experience & encounter.
Many thanks...
** Question: how come mainly quoted at R2D and not e other workshop ive stated earlier har??? Im curious..