"Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Well, I ve contributed time n again to the POLIS whenever I drive up north, bcos the speedometer somehow never works correctly whenever I drive on the NSH:) . Its been M$50 each time for my 320i whenever I end up having to be asked to pull over for some small talk with those M-hiadee.

Oh and last saturday was the first time my 335i lost its virginity. M-hiadee, in his POLIS car stuck his hand out and waved at me as I was coming up on lane-1.
"Wah...Ah beng, where u going ah?":yummie:
"Encik, saya going to see a friend on emergency situation lah...tolong ...sorry":yummie:
"can I see yr licence pls Beng":(
"Encik, here....for yr drinking of kopi at starbucks or coffee bean":)
"Aiyo Beng, one piece tak chukop lah.....we got 3 of us(2 more at Seremban). Lagi satu":furious:
"Encik, I only went 120kmh...tolong lah. Satu piece can la":juggle:
"Wah your car not bad huh, how much hah?":whythis:
"Lousy car lah, nice but slow"
"Slow why u just now 230kmh at Yong Peng":furious:

"Ok la pak, here u go...2 pieces then":(
"Ok beng thx you huh, becareful...another speedcam at Seremban":lol2:

Oh :wtf:
Moral of story is....dont buy 335 or dont drive ye better car up there:dramamam:
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

its normal...you been lucky to be paying RM$50...

like what other bros here usually say...ai heong siew ai jiap siew...

arent matter what car you drive so long you are normal civilian...bengz...
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

hitmee;389084 said:
2 X RM50 = SGD 42. worth it lah.

even more worth when change with sing exchange @ woodlands...
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

sounds logical to me -

exceed 110kmh = RM50 fine

exceed 110kmh x 2 (230kmh at yong peng) = RM50 x 2 fine :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

so it proves that the m'sian TPs have improved their speed cams. guni used to say that they couldn't catch anything that goes faster than 200kmh.
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

Willing briber, willing bribee, free market. Steam.
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

Next time just Da Pow extra Starbucks up... settled la!!
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

Congrats to ur 335!:)

If u c "Peronda Lebuhraya", don't try tis trick. They don't accept it.

Anyway, it is still more worth it than the ticket i got 2 months ago. Driving @ 150km/h wif cruise control, kena summon RM150.
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

benchmarc;389095 said:
Next time just Da Pow extra Starbucks up... settled la!!

Luckily my car look stock, without carbon fibre stuffs. Else sure raise to M$150.

Kenn, demod?
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

if the guy sees carbon fibre, tell him original ones were stolen so now making do with some fibre shitt for the time being and u c, got holes some more....vents i meant to reduce the cost of material...haiz tolong la ....
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

Ahbengdriver said:
Kenn, demod?
Demod simi? Demod wallet?
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

Funny I never kena even once in my runs up there. My car still considered virgin therefore :oops:
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

RM100 might as well ask for the saman only RM150. Dun spoil market leh
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

lucky i'm just driving a e36. haha slow and steady. kenna speed trap twice but not those police stop kind. lucky me. but now my car is a wanted car in malaysia. holding on to 2 heavy fines. hahaha
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

How much for Adams Road sniper ants? 110km/h only.
Re: "Kopi Lui" depends on what BMW you drive?

Bmmad318i;390115 said:
RM100 might as well ask for the saman only RM150. Dun spoil market leh
> 180km/h cannot ask for saman. Definitely charge for dangerous driving. It is up to judge to determine to price to pay.
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