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led torchlight


Well-Known Member
I'm in beijing now, and I can buy these led torchlights at around sgd7 each.
the 16 led one has 2 stage. 1st stage lights up the 6 leds in the middle. 2nd stage lights up all 16 leds. no strap. switch is black button on the side.

the 9 led is single stage. but is smaller in size and comes with a simple strap.
switch is on the backend.

see pics.. should be pretty self explanatory.
more pics here http://www.flickr.com/photos/bugaboo/sets/263902/
I'm not doing this to make money. I guess just giving something back to the forum which helped me so much. so if you want, just lemme know. Offer closes on Tue 9am.

9 led torchlight

16 led 2-stage torchlight
Re: led torchlight


I'm in for 2 16 leds

9 led torchlight

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1)jaskin x2
Re: led torchlight


Am keen on both.

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1)jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
Re: led torchlight


Me too...Thx

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1)jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
Re: led torchlight

Hey Meng!

Thanks for the lobang! Been looking for this since the last LED torchlight GB. The 9-led one that I got the other time is really useful when I'm searching for dropped items in my car or car-DIY sessions in the middle of the night!

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1

Thanks bro!
Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2

Thanks bro!
Re: led torchlight


Thanks for the lobang... pls order for me as indicated below. See ya.

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1

Thanks bro!
Re: led torchlight

One for me bro...

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
8) mapleleaf x 6
Re: led torchlight

1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
8) mapleleaf x 6[/QUOTE]
9) B_73_M x3

Thanks for the offer!
Re: led torchlight

Arrange properly leh

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
8) mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
Re: led torchlight

Arrange properly leh

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4
5) yfong x 1

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
12) yfong x 2

Tankyu much much!
Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4
5) yfong x 1

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
12) yfong x 2
13) Mav x 10

Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4
5) yfong x 1

Total 13

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
8) mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
12) yfong x 2
13) Mav x 10
14) Snail_Mobile x 2

Total 37
Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4
5) yfong x 1

Total 13

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
8) mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
12) yfong x 2
13) Mav x 10
14) Snail_Mobile x 2
15) Valvetronic x 2

Total 39
Re: led torchlight

think Meng needs to order a 20ft container liao... 1 day and already 52 torches... i wonder how's he gonna get them through customs... later kenna 5% GST! :(

Go Meng! :)
Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4
5) yfong x 1

Total 13

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
12) yfong x 2
13) Mav x 10
14) Snail_Mobile x 2
15) Valvetronic x 2
16) SMYUEN x2

Total 41
Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4
5) yfong x 1

Total 13

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
8 ) mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
12) yfong x 2
13) Mav x 10
14) Snail_Mobile x 2
15) Valvetronic x 2
16) SMYUEN x2
17) DreamDriver x 2

Total 43
Re: led torchlight

9 led torchlight
1) sierrasg x 2
2) Azrielsc x5
3) Sinner108 x 1
4) mapleleaf x 4
5) yfong x 1

Total 13

16 led 2-stage torchlight
1) jaskin x2
2) sierrasg x 2
3) silver31 x 2 (mobile: 9656-4233)
4) Azrielsc x1
5) Calvin x 2
6) Sinner108 x 1
7) J.R.
8 ) mapleleaf x 6
9) B_73_M x2
10) BMWCAR x2
11) bmwF1 x2
12) yfong x 2
13) Mav x 10
14) Snail_Mobile x 2
15) Valvetronic x 2
16) SMYUEN x2
17) DreamDriver x 2
18) eaurouge_spa x 2 (1 gunmetal and 1 silver please)

Total 45

Thanks very much!

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