Legacy GT or 1yr old E Merc (new model)

Legacy GT or 1yr old E Merc (new model)

  • Subaru Legacy GT <--- 130k

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1yr old E200 Merc (new model) <--- 160k

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
fordandford said:
hi there.. i am posting this in a neutral forum so that i can get good and neutral advice....

i am 30 years old and consider getting subaru legacy GT is 250hp, very powerful and sporty sports car. however, the new model merc is already out in the market for about a year and i think it is a good buy too...

i have considered a 3 series, but i think i want a bigger chasis and that's why bmw is being put at the back burner for now.

can u guys choose and vote for me and give me some advice regarding the 2 choices??

many thanks in advance.
Hi fordandford,

Welcome to the forums!

What are you looking for?

1. Power
2. Looks
3. Comfort
4. Prestige
Better to list your priorities down..

The Legacy GT looks great IMO, except for the rear lights which im still not very easy with. The power is there, so is the lousy fuel consumption after you whack it here and there. However, the autobox is it's failing points. The boot is HUMONGOUS (sp), i was actually looking at the car to replace my mom's 3 series. However, we settled for another car instead (secret for now). If you want space, the legacy GT provides PLENTY of it.

I voted for the legacy GT.

The merc on the other hand, is very well designed and i love the look of the overall car. However, forget everything about power/handling; the car was not made for that. It would be nice to cruise around in one, but well it depends on you. 30 years old...may be a bit too 'young' to waste your youth like that. Merc..can wait till you're older la. hahaha (IMO!)

If i may suggest two other cars you may be interested in.
or a second hand 520(new model)

Cheers! and good luck in looking for your ride!
I think the Merc would be more value for money for 2 reasons:-

- 1st owner took larger than normal depreciation
- Mercs got much better resale value that subaru

I also think that a kitted up E class looks Greeeat!
However, power is another issue - the GT will have the Merc for breakfast!
altreality said:
I also think that a kitted up E class looks Greeeat!

Anyone need advice on kitting up an E class don't be shy to ask me hor. ;)




bros and sistas.... i need more votes.. pls help me choose!!!!

so split in terms of votes.... i am amazed!!!!!!

a big thanks to those that voted. ^^V
I voted the Merc but frankly, like someone else pointed out here, I would rather go for a 1 year old 520. The last batch of 520 Executive is fully loaded with options and you could get one for around $150K. Seen a few being advertised on paper the past weeks.
Hi Ryan,

I'm looking at the GT too. When you mention abt the autobox falling point.... Do you mean the gear box always fail?

fordandford said:
bros and sistas.... i need more votes.. pls help me choose!!!!

so split in terms of votes.... i am amazed!!!!!!

a big thanks to those that voted. ^^V

The GT and E Class comparo machiam apple and orange. If you want prestige and attract the older crowd, then Merc it should be. But if are still skirt-chasing, then go for the GT for the power, sunroof, Mcintosh sound system. You have plenty of time to drive a Merc. Less so for a GT. I will go for the latter.
Hi bro,

Nope, i do not mean it to be that way. Just that autoboxes do tend to feel a bit unresponsive/laggy, and i feel that's one of it's bad points about the GT. However, feel IS subjective and i recommend you take a test drive (if you haven't already) to have a feel of it.


Speedy318 said:
Hi Ryan,

I'm looking at the GT too. When you mention abt the autobox falling point.... Do you mean the gear box always fail?

But if are still skirt-chasing, then go for the GT for the power, sunroof, Mcintosh sound system. You have plenty of time to drive a Merc. Less so for a GT. I will go for the latter.


Not true. You can get a W211 with panoramic roof and harman kardon sound system. In addition, the W211 is quieter in the cabin than a GT. You see, any lady likes a man who is a good listener and you can hear her much better in a W211. Hehe. ;)

From the MBWorld Forum

"This is the same thing for me. I had a really hot looking 5 series before this but it never turned heads like the E (black with appearance) probably because Pittsburgh is flooded with BMW's. I am constantly in conversations about it and the girls really do look at least twice (too bad I am married). The only car that I have driven that turns as many heads as this one is my fathers C4 Carerra drop top but that is $115K and this was only $60.

I think (in the US at least) that Mercedes represents power and a black Benz has a even more powerful image. It is a car that is hyped up in the songs and you see all of the famous people with them which adds to the image. As for the girls, in my humble opinion, I think most girls want someone who does well and a Benz is a symbol of doing well. Us guys also typically want a girl that does well but will contently settle for a girl that looks well

I know I look twice at a girl in a nice car..."

To read more - http://forums.mbworld.org/forums/showthread.php?t=74120&page=1&pp=10

Moral of the story? It's got to be a Black MB W211! 8)
Quiksilver Dude

Pssst, don't tell anybody ok? But, I decided to mod my W211 to black colour after I saw MIIB (Men in Black II) on DVD the other day. 8)

sybron said:
Quiksilver Dude

Pssst, don't tell anybody ok? But, I decided to mod my W211 to black colour after I saw MIIB (Men in Black II) on DVD the other day. 8)


wah...if u watch 2F2F must change to Evo and Skyline liao! muahaha! :thumbsup:

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