Looking for Cabriolet for TV Commerical Shoot!

yeap... we use medium format!
not only longer in length... bigger in girth too..... hahahahahahah!!!
Geoff Ang,

My latest toy only AF-S DX 17-55mm f/2.8G IF ED.
eeehhhhmmm??? that's kinda small u know... hahahahahahahahahhahahahhahaahhaaha!!!
but ED lens got quality... "ho liao"
u got big opening too 2.8... not bad!!!
guess size doesn't really matter... but than again i'd rather leave it to the ladies to decide!!!
Can admin tell me if there are any OT reply here or not??


'The Great White'
wilman2772 said:
Can admin tell me if there are any OT reply here or not??


'The Great White'
:laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik:

damned, you are funny!

damned, YOU are OT too! :naughty:


To gently guide it back to topic.

Lightmeister Geoff,
Got your cabrio yet? Using Doc's? Z4 can?
Tanzy said:

damned, YOU are OT too! :naughty:


To gently guide it back to topic.

Lightmeister Geoff,
Got your cabrio yet? Using Doc's? Z4 can?
I have a Hyundai Getz coupe to offer for any photo shoot :thumbsup:

"my car is longer..."

Aww... come on bro.... you cant stoop so low as to use your car as a phallic symbol....

Now dont we know from med school that car length does not equate accessory limb length.... hee hee... although traditionally showing off one's ride is known to have some cure for the age old condition called

"dickus lengthus insufficus"

keekekkeekekeke!!!!! :thumbsup:

Topas Blue NOT insufficus...

Oi... I mean longer as in more luxurious lah.. Z4 like toy car mah.. hahahahahaha

I think I am dead...

Gotta run away from tanzy and geoff and...
:offtopic: Geof, love your ride, esp the special personalized compartments in your trunk. I see you left BVO already... :offtopic:
right... thanks eaurouge_spa!!!

tanzy Z4 cannot lah... if can... i could use mine what!!!
its too small just like what doc said his longer...

MW - thanks for the hyundai offer... but client wants "long" sleek car... not stubby short car!!! :)

Doc - u call my car TOY CAR... :furious:

this still OT right! wink wink!

Geoff Ang,

We can always use two Z4s.
So you found a suitable vehicle yet?
so far only DOC stepped up to the offer... but i need options lah... clents being clients... they wanna choose!!!

jaskin maybe coupe can... can email me pics! :)

hey winston, yeap its was a fast drop in!
good meeting u!
how's the brakes comin along... any more squeeks?

cheers! :)
Geoff Ang said:
right... thanks eaurouge_spa!!!

tanzy Z4 cannot lah... if can... i could use mine what!!!
its too small just like what doc said his longer...

MW - thanks for the hyundai offer... but client wants "long" sleek car... not stubby short car!!! :)

Doc - u call my car TOY CAR... :furious:

this still OT right! wink wink!


ok ok ok sorry... its a nice, babe magnet toy car ok?

:laughlik: :laughlik: :laughlik:

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