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looking for e34 wagon, MB TEs or Volvo estates


Well-Known Member
i know it's a long shot, but i am looking for an e34 wagon..(are there anymore locally????)
any chance there's someone intending to sell, or have friends who owns one and want to sell, pls PM me
my other considerations would be a MB TE(pls do not recommend the one in sgcarmart!! it's junk......) or a Volvo estate
my budget is abt 30k, with at least 3 years to drive before COE expires..
Re: looking for e34 wagon, MB TEs or Volvo estates

peckhs;490814 said:
i know it's a long shot, but i am looking for an e34 wagon..(are there anymore locally????)
any chance there's someone intending to sell, or have friends who owns one and want to sell, pls PM me
my other considerations would be a MB TE(pls do not recommend the one in sgcarmart!! it's junk......) or a Volvo estate
my budget is abt 30k, with at least 3 years to drive before COE expires..

E34 wagon would be nice.....
Haven't yet seen one on SG roads yet though.
Re: looking for e34 wagon, MB TEs or Volvo estates

Good luck Peckhs. Yes, there were E34 Touring but I doubt any on the road.

Alfaman, this is an interesting site! Dedication :) - was at Propel when that burnt TE was forklifted in :(
Re: looking for e34 wagon, MB TEs or Volvo estates

rttex;491124 said:
Good luck Peckhs. Yes, there were E34 Touring but I doubt any on the road.

Alfaman, this is an interesting site! Dedication :) - was at Propel when that burnt TE was forklifted in :(

my daily driver starting to have problems, so gonna get rid of it
decided to go back to COE paid cars, but needed the space that's why i decided on these few cars..
i guess MB TEs will be a more feasible option. alas, gp's was a too pricey for me..
Re: looking for e34 wagon, MB TEs or Volvo estates

rttex;491124 said:
Good luck Peckhs. Yes, there were E34 Touring but I doubt any on the road.

Alfaman, this is an interesting site! Dedication :) - was at Propel when that burnt TE was forklifted in :(

Guys, will appreciate if you make the extra efforts to snap any TEs on the road.

there is a nice white TE along tembeiling road that I kept forgetting to shoot.
Re: looking for e34 wagon, MB TEs or Volvo estates

ups and good luck for your search. i think e34 wagon no more in singapore lah. rare good cars there. watch out for road tax per annum though. its a huge cost for big cc vehicles
Re: looking for e34 wagon, MB TEs or Volvo estates

rttex;491124 said:
Good luck Peckhs. Yes, there were E34 Touring but I doubt any on the road.

E34 Touring... that should be the correct name. tks

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