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Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)


Core Group Members
Anyone selling M5 mirrors for E60 (2006 production push-button start)? I believe the wire & circuit may be different for different productions... i recently tried one but the wires & sockets didn't fit. :(

Anyone with similar experience? Any advise?

I don't mind new or old as long as it works & the price is right. Pls let me know or you can PM me where appropriate.
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

BLACKCAB;280901 said:
Anyone selling M5 mirrors for E60 (2006 production push-button start)? I believe the wire & circuit may be different for different productions... i recently tried one but the wires & sockets didn't fit. :(

Anyone with similar experience? Any advise?

I don't mind new or old as long as it works & the price is right. Pls let me know or you can PM me where appropriate.

Yes, There are two type of connectors, mfg before sept 2005 came with 2 pcs of connector, for after sept 05 only single connector ..

Hohoho Merry X'mas
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

i am looking for key start used M5 mirrors too... :)
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)


From what i interpret, it seem there are few type of M Mirror? the compatibility will depend on Key start or push start model?
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

Turbo;281712 said:

From what i interpret, it seem there are few type of M Mirror? the compatibility will depend on Key start or push start model?

Yes bro, mfg pre sept 05 & after sept 05 .

Cheers hohoho
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

yes...key start and push start... mirrors with auto-dim also look different... key start have black borders... push start doesnt...

dave..give me lobang for super cheap M5 mirror wu boh?
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

tks, it seem that LCI and PFL don share many parts including the M kit, any idea the cost at new?
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

I'm looking for Key Start(July 05 model) M5 Mirrors too. See if we can consolidate for group buy perhaps?

Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

Dlim318;283063 said:
I'm looking for Key Start(July 05 model) M5 Mirrors too. See if we can consolidate for group buy perhaps?


Sure why not. Someone in KBS is trying to get me some quotes, perhaps with a few more orders we can have a better bargain.

Anyone interested? Comments?
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

will consider as well if the price is good :)
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

yes...depends on how much is the price...
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

Keep us in the loop on this possible grp buy. Stand to be corrected, a brand new M Mirror cost close to $3k, throw in another $1k can get M Aero..... was wondering :whythis:
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

no... brand new M mirror will cost you 2k... or slighty above that..2.15 to 2.2k at most with GST.... these are eng soon prices... PML prices are slightly above by 200 bucks... this provided you get the blue mirror non auto-dim .... auto dim glass is the most expensive option which will cost u extra 400 bucks...

for non foldable it only cost 1.6-1.8k at most....

will only consider the group buy if cost less than 1.9k .... else might as well throw extra 200 bucks to get brand new...
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

Looks like we're getting some common interest here for a group buy...

I got an indicative quote of about $2.2k for the foldable, non auto-dim blue tint, excluding spray and install.

I still find the price high but they'll consider lowering if we get a bulk order. Let me know who's keen at say around $2k (just an indication) we'll negotiate with them:

Potential Group-buy list:
1. Blackcab
2. Terry
3. Turbo
4. Eldwin
5. Nitrox
6. Dlim318
Re: Looking for M5 Mirrors (E60)

BLACKCAB;283894 said:
Looks like we're getting some common interest here for a group buy...

I got an indicative quote of about $2.2k for the foldable, non auto-dim blue tint, excluding spray and install.

I still find the price high but they'll consider lowering if we get a bulk order. Let me know who's keen at say around $2k (just an indication) we'll negotiate with them:

Potential Group-buy list:
1. Blackcab
2. Terry
3. Turbo
4. Eldwin
5. Nitrox
6. Dlim318

Able to get it for $2k nett cash N carry , if can get a group of 8 sets & above .

Cheersss & Happy New Year 2008

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