Looking to buy E65 730iL


Well-Known Member
Hi Bros,

I'm looking to buy a new 730iL. Is there anything I should look out for in terms of problematic characteristics with this car and what sort of pricing can I expect?

I was informed that the comfort access is not a standard feature but rather an option. I find this very strange when cars less than half the price come with it.

Thanks in advance for all the advice.

Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

Dude... dats the e66 730i..wif the new magnesium engine dat doesnt hum..its screams.. its so darn aggresive in the 630i.. stock GPS is nvr good anyway.. But handling and engine wise, the Beemer is king..totally responsive, i suggest checkin out the 1 at www.sgcarmart.com... pre-facelift has a nicer engine tone.... But of course the facelift is much better...
Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

pingman said:
bro joogie. i just got a e65 facelift 730i, instead of the long version, reason being i dont want to look like a chauffer, and have doubts about the LWB cant do cornering. nevertheless u maybe interested to know some of the shortcomings i am facing.
1. at time humming engine that sound like a turbocharged car (in the morning esp)
2. valuetronic engine clattering that makes the car sound like a comfort cab
3. always dirty front rims that caused by the brake pad
4. intermitten clattering sound of plastic and esp driver door panel
5. GPS of telealtas 2006-01 release suck big time, not undated at all. certain part of singapore have serious blind spot.
6. doesnt come with alarm system in default model
7. window glass seems to get microfine scratches easily
8. default sound system bass suck, must turn on louder to feel it, must order logic7

with all these small little shortcoming, i still love my car, i dont know why also...

hey pingman, thanks for the detailed list of problems. i've got further questions & comments

1. is this a characteristic of the engine or manufacturer's defect? i test drove the car at PML and i noted that the engine sounded rather harsh at higher revs. i thought that it was possibly due to the engine being thrashed by the drivers before me.
2. i did not observe the sound... will look out for it next time. my e90 does sound like a taxi but i assumed that the high end car would sound better.
3. will probably sacrifice looks for an easier to clean rim.
4. the test car didnt have any sounds. hope the car i buy doesnt have any either...
6. will see if i can squeeze the sales person to throw it in for free :)
7. this is strange... are they using inferior materials or what?
8. i was thinking of transferring parts of my current sound system into the car. however the sales person told us it'd void the warranty.

but i agree with you that the ride is great. very responsive and the interior design is quite nice.
Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

stjmd said:
Dude... dats the e66 730i..wif the new magnesium engine dat doesnt hum..its screams.. its so darn aggresive in the 630i.. stock GPS is nvr good anyway.. But handling and engine wise, the Beemer is king..totally responsive, i suggest checkin out the 1 at www.sgcarmart.com... pre-facelift has a nicer engine tone.... But of course the facelift is much better...

hi stjmd, thanks for your comments. noted that it's the e66... i agree that the engine is quite loud at higher revs. do you reckon the 740iL will be quieter?
Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

hardly its V8 bro...btw i drive the E65 730i too, L version is only 12k more brand new, reason i bght the non-L is that i drive alone most of the time and i tried drivind my friend's 735iL and its really difficult to park at most places, in fact the non-L barely fits in some lots....specs are the same for both except for the side blinds and the electric seat and 6" inch space at the back.

If u really want L...my suggestion is to buy late '04/05 735iL they come with full specs including Logic 7 and carphone...some rare ones with s/roof.

Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

btw if u are looking for used 730iA here is some info

6/03 to 12/03 prefacelift model-yellow lights/no menu key/no cup holder
'04 to 6/05 facelifted white lights/menu key/cup holder/i think xenon
6/05 to present Facelighted/Xenon/menu key/FM/AM key/Mode key/new idrive interface/New engine

Info shd be correct, but anybody feels anything wrong plse correct me..thanks
Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

:wtf: Hey man, gotta a 735Li at home..and it purrs.. When its cold in the morning, then engine boom (seriously BOOM) to life and clatter for a while but later it would den return to a low hum.. Not sure whether its the same on a Inline6, but the v8 sounds like a bike in sports mode and high rev.., almost like a harley but not that loud.... Its something to look forward to, BMW SPORTS MODE... Makes the huge beemer feel like a sports car...

Im kinda ticked that the new magnesium 730i is almost as fast as the 735Li, dats y BMW upped it to a 4.0L dat has the same fuel economy as the 735.. More power, same price.. UNFAIR!! :WTF: ... A v8 is of course less stressed when accelerating, u would feel dat its almost effortless.. No real noise, no real footwork and poof, its already passed 100kmph..

I suggest to take it for a test drive and take as many test drives as u want b4 buyin a car... Jus got a SLK200 and regretted not tryin the 630i or the S2000...
Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

OO yea... the stupid pre-facelift 730i doesnt come with cup holders...

I also suggest dat u get the L only if u plan to sit in the back in future or if u need to pick up clients... If u dont then get the regular wheelbase becos itll save u money and give u better handling( not obvious) and makes it easier to park. If your wife wants the long 1 tell her dat she'll prob sit in the front with u and if ur kids want it tell them to pay for it...
Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

thanks diablo_728 for the suggestions. i really like the idea of getting a new car with the new car smell etc. the sales person recommeded we wait for the IMF offer but the idea of letting someone thrash my ride before i get it is out of the question.

as for the LWB, i fully agree with you that parking is a challenge. i've had my share of reversing into a curb as recently as CNY. somehow the reverse sensor of my current ride didn't pick up the curb :furious: , so ended up with some scratches at the bottom lip. that's when a reversing camera is comes in handy.
Re: Looking to buy E65 730iL

actually the PDC is very good, the problem is that the length car doesnt allow u to park in some lots.

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