kenntona;1080786 said:If I can cheat women without fancy cars, you must respect my tongue !!!
C3P0 said:Is it only money that is cheated? Kentonna ask one.
kenntona;1080786 said:If I can cheat women without fancy cars, you must respect my tongue !!!
tofumonkey;1080797 said:but must have loooong tongue...
MW;1080771 said:I drove my Getz coupe GT turbo to Sentosa Cove and told the girls I lived there as well. So far no girl ever lent me money yet. I must have missed something...
milk15 said:A wise man said................. it's nvr about the length or size........ it's the SKILLS......
tofumonkey said:citing star trek... with a long tongue, you can go where no men has gone before...
tofumonkey;1080797 said:but must have loooong tongue...
kenntona;1080816 said:A lesbian once told me - the finger is mightier than the c**k, but no match for the tongue.
She say one.
casper77;1080815 said:Length means nothing... if onli his can twist.... OMG!!!!
kenntona;1080805 said:The small pearl/button is located outside leh !!! You know how does the oyster look?
Solidgold;1080753 said:A Lamborghini driving man cheated me of more than $100,000 in less than a month.
That is what a young woman claims and she has filed three police reports to get the money back.
But she admitted that it was his perceived wealth that made him attractive in the first place.
I was attracted to a guy because he drive Lamborghini but he ended up cheated my money | The Real Singapore