More ERPs on the way!!!!


Well-Known Member
News on 5 just reported that the AYE will have 5 new ERP points, to "help ease traffic congestion". The new Marina Coastal Expressway will also have new ERP gantries... Like I said, all they know is to up taxes.
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

wobbles, thanks for the "good" news ... now AYE can cheong 100kmph all the way from keppel road to tuas? ... LOL
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

Good new$.....

Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

wt_know;991624 said:
wobbles, thanks for the "good" news ... now AYE can cheong 100kmph all the way from keppel road to tuas? ... LOL
Can chiong. But must make sure got enough petrol.

I hope Pengful never log in today.
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

Oh shit.......
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

and make sure the fuel is not 92+95+98 ... hearsay, like that car can dance like psy horse riding dance move

C3P0;991631 said:
Can chiong. But must make sure got enough petrol.

I hope Pengful never log in today.
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

means more chances of spotting BMWs parked by road shoulder waiting for erp clock to off.
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

no worries mate, more to come


Red_Bean_Bun;991646 said:
Why stop at 5 ?
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

I think I gotta sign up for the 'erp unit linked to credit card bill' payment option liao....

Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

pengful;991630 said:
How is it going to ease congestion?

It does not. Its a zero sum gain....with a finite number of roads, the gantries in Road A simply direct traffic from Road A to Road B and C. Then in a few months they erect gantries or increase ERP on Roads B or C and direct traffic back to Road A....then the whole process repeats itself ad infinity....perfect money spinner for PAP. That is also why they will never want to find a real solution to ease traffic, just as oil companies will never wana find a perfect free and cheap energy will kill their cash cow...moooo
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

The most annoying thing about these clowns is that every now and then they report of 'ERP RATES GETTING REVISED'.

Increase say increase la, what revise. Classic playing around with words all the time.
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

wobbles;991622 said:
News on 5 just reported that the AYE will have 5 new ERP points, to "help ease traffic congestion". The new Marina Coastal Expressway will also have new ERP gantries... Like I said, all they know is to up taxes.

Hope they slap more ERPs on that xxx Clementi Ave 6!!! In the mornings, that one is not a semi-expressway; it is a carpark!!!!!!
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

wt_know;991635 said:
and make sure the fuel is not 92+95+98 ... hearsay, like that car can dance like psy horse riding dance move

hahaha, bro, can try my "horse" but only 95 with 98 mix. not so brave to try 92.
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

Cannot imagine the day it takes $200 to get from yishun to orchard road.

And then $250 to Jurong.........then it will be like "you can choose to take the bus - gahmen got give you options. You have to be wise and choose what you can afford etc ........"
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

It was reported in the radio that next time ERP will distance charged...
Wat a brilliant idea... so now every car will have a taxi meter.
We own the car but we must still pay the government for using their road.

PAP rocks! I love PAP!
Re: More ERPs on the way!!!!

Wait till a scholar comes out with ..... how much time your car spends on the road. And that is defined as how long is your car's tyre in contact with the road.

Williammm;991718 said:
It was reported in the radio that next time ERP will distance charged...
Wat a brilliant idea... so now every car will have a taxi meter.
We own the car but we must still pay the government for using their road.

PAP rocks! I love PAP!

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