Muffer need LTA Approve ?


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Hi Guys,

I am looking at getting a aftermarket "Unbranded" muffer for my E60.. However, before i commite..

can anyone advice me if chnaging of Muffer need LTA approval ? and will it affect my warrenty with PML ??

Since the muffer is just an additional add on to replace the existing muffer i have,,, so i was wondering if this is allow ??

thanks for advicing.,
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

It's always prudent to err on the safe side. Best to get the LTA approved type and send your ride in for inspection once it's been installed. You don't wanna be pulled over for illegal exhaust..
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Legalising your exhaust mod is one of the foremost first line of defence :)
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

That is usually the first thing that TP/ROV checks.
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Hi TripleM,

What are the chances that LTA rejects the muffler mod?...The M3 stock is pretty rumbly as it you think they would reject a Tubi?....

Thanks dude.
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Just to share that LTA is very strict on exhaust system and lightings. I have recently went for an inspection. Despite the fact that my ACS muffler was amongst the approved names, they cross-checked it against the filings from PML. No joke.

After-market HIDs will fail, unless it comes with the projector lens.

From LTA: Any modification to the exhaust system would therefore require LTA's approval.

The following should be submitted to LTA for evaluation:
a) Certification from the product manufacturer stating that the proposed aftermarket exhaust system is suitable for the make and model of the vehicle.

b) Certifications or test reports from independent test laboratories such as TUV, DEKRA, JVIA, VCA etc. to show that the aftermarket exhaust system when fitted to the vehicle on a per make and model basis complied with prevailing exhaust emission standards.

Note: Removing catalytic converters and mufflers are not allowed as it will adversely affect the exhaust emission characteristics of the vehicle.
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Saw them inspecting my aftermarket exhaust at Vicom.

They were armed with a digital camera & proceeded to snap at least 6 photos of it. I guess its for documentation purposes that goes into my record
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

hi guys,

sorry... i rephase... do i need LTA's approval or cert if i want to fix on just a after-market Exhaust tips only... coz it doesnt enhance or alter the performance nor gives off more pollution n stuff? think its purely cosmestic rite...

Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Does anyone know the down side of being caught by LTA on an illegal mod? fine? points? jail?.....
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Thanks alot for the information guys for sharing...

That is one of the reasons why i want to clear the AC tail pipe away now...

:yummie: :helpp!:
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

MiuMiu said:
Does anyone know the down side of being caught by LTA on an illegal mod? fine? points? jail?.....

Ya man,,,anyone can share what is the penaty like if caught with an un-approval muffer ??
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?


First of all, no jail
Fine is 500 bux
No loss in licence points.

I hv seen a case where a car was impounded for a few days too.

Wot exhaust are u thinking of?
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

I was thinking of the Tubi....I guess it just a personal preference....

The science of it indicates that it makes no real material improvement in HP addition without some software intake and air ram filter...I noticed you did that too....did you have to do any reprogramming of your M ? Any changes to the sound of your engine....was toying with the Gruppe M intake system....but not sure....

Thanks for the advice....again.
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Havent done any reprogramming of ECU. Prefer to keep it completely stock.

Yeah rear muffler hardly gives any gain but I do believe it improves flow a bit.
For me, when I change muffler...
Couple of things I look out for
1. Sound
2. Weights Saving

I actually hv this rasp-x mid pipe by UUC. It's really good but the rasp is back, not the same rasp as stock tho and I kinda like it. It makes the engine sounds raw-er :)

My Hamann rear muffler is too quiet but I wont trade anything for it.

Hv a friend on Tubi...very nice sound

Cheers dude
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

Put in Bazaar for 500 bux and sure will be takers.....
Re: Muffer need LTA Approve ?

RaptureM3 said:
S$500 fine?! Omg i don't have that much $ to throw.. GruppeM for sale.. :lol2:
Yours is a quad exhaust so it's gonna be $500 X 4 lor...

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