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MWTS M5/M6 steering


Well-Known Member
Legendary 10 Years
Have a new project coming on and might wanna sell off my newly installed M5/M6 steering. As usual it's in excellent AS GOOD AS NEW condition...

Brand new is $3XXX..installed 5-9-13. MA n PML selling $4XXX.

Selling $2700 cash n carry. Installation can be done at any of your preferred workshops for a song...probably $50 or so... My loss of about $600-$700 in just 1+ months. Suitable for all F10, 11,12, 13, n GC F6. I dunno about F1 n 2. Please ask Elebest.

Interested parties please PM me....

View attachment 55951View attachment 55952
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

Bumpzzzz....for a homo.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

MTechnic;1042016 said:
Siew man ... Especially the dual air freshener :)

Double becos he bery the smelly.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

Jason8822;1042010 said:
Calling wt_know ......

If wt know will buy..... I tok.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

jonleeck;1042019 said:
If wt know will buy..... I tok.

:naughty: that bad ? ... :nutkick:

Perhaps you might want to give the steering a try, maybe can steer better and avoid curbing your rim
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

If jonleeck buys, I will tok
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

If Jason8822 buy I tok.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

wah ... simi project? M7 steering wheel?

nice bbk must have nice steering for upmost precision curb free ... mtl
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Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

He mod until nothing to mod liao....so mod Tia mod again lor..
U all cannot see meh?
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

I m giving away my car soon...
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

MW;1042034 said:
I m giving away my car soon...

U have pm.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

time for lowball liao..... ur loss is my gain..... :p

Joking la....

Bumpz for the MaoWang...
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Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

Bumps for a good price!
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

Ok, to be fair to mw.....
to those interested mtl..... he just bought it nia...2700 is a steal.
I bro...mai mw tok.
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

I m tired of BMW. I just ordered a Kia. Very sart
Re: MWTS M5/M6 steering

K3 130bhp for the win ... new king of the road
$96k with $85K COE ... what's more to ask
end OT
ups for an excellent LNIB M5/M6 steering .... steam
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