My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,


Well-Known Member
Driving 318i , is that normal..? It happens occasionally ,My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining on idle
Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

paneristic;758482 said:
Driving 318i , is that normal..? It happens occasionally ,My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining on idle

so once move off it is ok even though it is raining Hello Kitty and Snoopy????

Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

Don't think it's just your car.... When my office aircon is being blasted, I vibrate in my chair too.... =P
Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

Maybe your idle RPM too low?
Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

It might be the AFC (Air Flow Controller). Worth a check via dioagnostics.
Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

Heavy rain and cold..when idle it starts to vibrate..after move off continue to vibrate thereafter. diagnostics no findings.

only happens occasionally.
Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

Throttle control? Hmm sounds too complex for me. Will bring to pml cos still under wrty, thanks all
Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

Hope all goes well ~~ do update us on yur issue..
Re: My car engine vibrates when it's cold or raining,

Panadol Extra better still! =)