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my E46


Well-Known Member
Hi,all bros,i wish tat u guys can give some ideas tat i shd sell my E46 or scrap it better?
if i scrap can i sell all my accessories? is the body still same as b4?mine is 2002 march 80% parf wif high coe. but i have re spary the body colour since i buy frm a dir owner the next week.
i have 19inch hammam rims( but i have re-spary) ,hammam sping,M- kit, a pair of folded side mirror ..............
hope u guys can give mi some ideas .tks....cheers.
Re: my E46

Depends on what you want to get next.

Scrap - yes, can sell of your accessories, they just need a stock car. Car body price affected by maybe 1-2k because of the respray, but no biggie. Try searching on the forum to get a feel of the prices for the accessories.

Do your sums, since your car has high COE/PARF, compare driving it for 1-2 years, vs a newer car. Work in also the maintenance costs.

Good luck.
Re: my E46

Yeah, I sold my e39 for about 90K body inclusive. Buyer (dealer) marked it for export. Thks to high scrap value, my 02 car fetched more than 03 car if sold in the local market. I know its a painful decision but I also seem to think the e46 will be able to fetch a relatively higher overall price in the local market than the export market thanks to its popularity. Good Luck to you!
Re: my E46

tks u guys give mi the ideas.....btw quite trouble some to dismattle all my parts leh ..sian..i m 2nd owner but i only buy 7mth only n all parts r only 7mth coz i change it since the day i bought it..so waste.
Re: my E46

You can go to BVO and arrange with them to dismantle and fix on the buyer car for a small fee.
Re: my E46

What are the parts/accessories that you have changed? You might want to list it out so as to see if there is a demand for them. From there, you can decide to sell the parts seperately or to let it go with your ride.
Re: my E46

my accessorie got- eyes lips(head light cover),boots spoliers,roofs spoliers,ang eyes,hammam 19inchs rims,hammam spring,M kits,Oem folder mirror,indash dvd,Amp(2 n 4)
super sp exhust(lta app) n some i dun knw how to spell leh hehe..btw those accessories only bought 7mth onli.
Re: my E46

4G63 said:
my accessorie got- eyes lips(head light cover),boots spoliers,roofs spoliers,ang eyes,hammam 19inchs rims,hammam spring,M kits,Oem folder mirror,indash dvd,Amp(2 n 4)
super sp exhust(lta app) n some i dun knw how to spell leh hehe..btw those accessories only bought 7mth onli.

Hi !

Wow ! You should spend some time to list down all your accessories and post them for sales :)

There are demand for these stuffs :)
Re: my E46

oh izit okok maybe i tink to sell accessories 1st b4 export hehe................
Re: my E46

Hello to all bro tat have mail mi..i will be scarping my ride at mid may if bros out there keen to buy my accessories can book it or let mi knw b4 hand tks.
folder mirror,m kits,19inch hammam rims,hammam spring,super sp extust(lta app),eye lips,angles eyes n more......can call mi for infor tks u.....cheers btw mine is a E46 2.2l face lifted.
98000212 gary :)
Re: my E46

Hi Gary

As discussed earlier today I am interested in your Mtech bodykit and would like to reserve it please. I assume it is original and the condition is reasonably fair? Please PM me your asking price.


Victor 90100972
Re: my E46

Trolls.......so 5 yrs later, i wonder what's the original poster driving now ?

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