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Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart


Active Member
Found this on the web

BMW 523I Details - sgCarMart

Lic no. SFR1212H

Does it belong to anyone in this forum ?

please PM me if you have any information. I am keen on this car and hope to get some background knowledge of the car.

Tried calling PML for service record but was told they dun have the record for this ride. Strange.
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

Maybe its bc thereg is new plate. get the original plate and try to check again.
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

Not sure if you can ask PML for records of the car . Was told that they are very careful as people have threatened legal action for breaching confidentiality. Not sure how true. Perhaps its easier to tell you, cant find this in the records.

Why dont go check out the car? Check if 1st owner. If 2nd, then possible # has changed. Otherwise dont think anyone will change to such a nice # within 1 year and not have it updated with PML.
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

maybe it's a PI car...
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

I have been looking for pre-owned and has been calling Volvo, Mercedes, Jaguar and even Lexus service centre for servicing record. None has any problem telling me the maintenance record. Of course they will not tell me the particular of the owner. PML did not say they cannot tell me but they say they cannot find the record after checking, so I am a bit puzzled there.

Is there PI for BMW ? If there is, how can I tell ? From the chasis number ? Or any physical tell tale sign on the car ?
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

maybe the mileage is too low ie not due for servicing OR the previous owner knows how crappy PML servicing is and doesnt send to them. I think the specs can show you if PI car,
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

the owner of this car is from this forum..will let him know abt this
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

hi dun worry car is frm pml nt pi i did nt acc b4..u cant check frm pml is becoz i change the plate ..u wan knw abt the car u can call mi 98000212 gary..the owner..btw the plate i already take back the car wont come wif the plate n the dealer is asking 149k i tink u can neg to 145k or lower abit.
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

wah.... quad pipes...

Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

Bro, i like the front red 'brows'. Damn garang man. How was that done eh?
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

hmmm not sure about the red brows... if i had car like this, i would make it black black black...

tint black
black rims
smoked tail lights...

Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart

Guess you have fetish for Orh Lu Lu....kekeke
Re: Need information on a 523i listed in sgcarmart


wilil puke....


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