Need legal advice here: Can I get back my $$$?

Re: Need legal advice here: Can I get back my $$$?

go your neighbourhood police confirm no use. They will just take memo. Case closed. Ok they will prob give you a Investigation officer's name.

you can go magistrate office to file the case and get them to issue an order for the police to bug the telcom for the users' registration detail, then follow up from there to try your luck. Else you can feign that you are the users' bro/relative/kin, saying that you have something important but cannot get hold and need address etc.

BTW, this is strange, if you have seen the car or its your friend's friend, you guys should know the car plate. call LTA, HDB to ask for details ma. unless you can place deposit even without seeing and even so, your friend would know. Even if all dunno. your common friend will know. BTW if your friend is a friend of this 'Bandit', he would know where he lives what or have more details/info than just the hp number right?

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