Re: No Official BMW Club?
Actually the 7-series owners seem to be entitled to something similar from PML to the Lexus official club kinda programmes.
Well I am a believer of NO-FREE-LUNCH, what gifts we get has already been factored in when we signed on the dotted line. Whether LEXUS or BMW, they are all in business and no businessman would do profit losing business.
I personally do not think there will be much difference betw an official BMW and non official one like this one here, except maybe in an official site, 99.9% are BMW owners. Here we mix ard with non-BMW owners see we are not ya-ya one. Hopefully we can physcho them to become BMW owners one day :nehnehhh:
Otherthan than that there shld be no other difference except maybe in an official site, you wont find annoying BENGs like yours-truely who is whole-life talking rooster in almost every thread. :screwedu: But then who say BENGs cannot drive BMW [Bengs Most Welcomed]
Actually the 7-series owners seem to be entitled to something similar from PML to the Lexus official club kinda programmes.
Well I am a believer of NO-FREE-LUNCH, what gifts we get has already been factored in when we signed on the dotted line. Whether LEXUS or BMW, they are all in business and no businessman would do profit losing business.
I personally do not think there will be much difference betw an official BMW and non official one like this one here, except maybe in an official site, 99.9% are BMW owners. Here we mix ard with non-BMW owners see we are not ya-ya one. Hopefully we can physcho them to become BMW owners one day :nehnehhh:
Otherthan than that there shld be no other difference except maybe in an official site, you wont find annoying BENGs like yours-truely who is whole-life talking rooster in almost every thread. :screwedu: But then who say BENGs cannot drive BMW [Bengs Most Welcomed]