NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

No names MWentioned, please.... this is not a personal attack :lol2:
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

I am not into lawyers, law grads, undergrads, interns etc etc...I am already taken by Andally


wobbles..pls pm me details of the gossip. Thanks. got pics better
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

MW;861291 said:
I am not into lawyers, law grads, undergrads, interns etc etc...I am already taken by Andally


wobbles..pls pm me details of the gossip. Thanks. got pics better

Discount codes all sent!
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

My limited knowledge tells me that superior abalone are those dried type but when braised and moist they grew in size beyond your wildest imagination..

Dinosaur hunter;861277 said:
How they know it is superior?
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

zorro;861329 said:
My limited knowledge tells me that superior abalone are those dried type but when braised and moist they grew in size beyond your wildest imagination..

My extremely scanty understanding also tells me that this type, when braised & moist & having grown to sizes beyond imagination, the texture is also very soggy & floppy because small & tight is valued more than soggy & loose.
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

While it expand in size, good abalone's texture remain dense and chewy....Yours is fake China superior abalone...Dun believe ask Ah Yat....

wobbles;861338 said:
My extremely scanty understanding also tells me that this type, when braised & moist & having grown to sizes beyond imagination, the texture is also very soggy & floppy because small & tight is valued more than soggy & loose.
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

We have many abalone connoisseur in BMW SG. :D

Painters are passe.
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

Who called me ?
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

Darinne Ko NUS Law Scandal Student Girl
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

I analysed the photo and came to the expert conclusion that Darinne Ko has pah jiao bak (shoot bird eye)..
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

MW;861401 said:
I analysed the photo and came to the expert conclusion that Darinne Ko has pah jiao bak (shoot bird eye)..

In the New BMW.SG forum, it is referred to as Strabismus.
Time to up your game. Wobbles Esq. will agree.

Strabismus or Crossed Eyes
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

u need to understand many of the forummers here are not very educated, thus they are in adult lines like pole dancing..I never say kenntona
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

Tanzy;861405 said:
In the New BMW.SG forum, it is referred to as Strabismus.
Time to up your game. Wobbles Esq. will agree.

Strabismus or Crossed Eyes

Yes, yes, but I still prefer to call her a cock-eyed bitch ... Oops, I mean, an optically-galeiform female canine.
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

I prefer MW's pah jiao bak (shoot bird eye). My england no good and dun understand what is "strabismus" I thought you refer to pen maker Stabilus....

After looking at her photo, my conclusion is the professor got poor taste....or visually handicapped.

Tanzy;861405 said:
In the New BMW.SG forum, it is referred to as Strabismus.
Time to up your game. Wobbles Esq. will agree.

Strabismus or Crossed Eyes
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Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex


Sooner or later, it will be chinanese law professors bonking local law students. Stop being lazy and living off the government.

Anyway, it is Schwan-Stabilo.
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Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

We must be forgiving.

If we are her boss, we should retain her. Mr CB F13 say one. (no personal attack, F13 very common, especially carbon black one.)
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

so is that student chio?

and what they they do? where did they do it? raw?
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

Former student in sex-for-grades probe hires top criminal lawyers

July 27, 2012 - 2:01pm

By : The New Paper

The former student named in the sex-for-grades probe of National University of Singapore law professor Tey Tsun Hang has hired criminal lawyers Subhas Anandan and Sunil Sudheesan.

Ms Darinne Ko Wen Hui, was a fourth-year law student of Prof Tey, who was charged this morning in relation to the probe.

Amongst other things, he is accused of having received sexual favours.

Ms Ko has since graduated and is now a pupil with a law firm here.

In a statement, Ms Ko's lawyers said: "Our client has not been charged and as it stands, our client will appear in Court to tell her side of the story when the time comes.

"Our client strenuously denies any corrupt wrongdoing."

The statement also said Ms Ko would appreciate if her privacy can be respected.
Re: NUS law professor in CPIB probe over exchanging grades for sex

not just CPIB ... subhas also very busy and make good profit for FY 2011/12 :D

newbie88;861630 said:
CPIB very busy man

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