Opinion needed...

Re: Opinion needed...

peckhs;498251 said:
change to rupiah and put in indonesia bank to earn 12% interest p.a. ??

change to rupiah... buy IDX stocks.... get insider tips.. and u can x30 ur money in 3 months
Re: Opinion needed...

it is best to mod a car and the rest of the money u have just start up with ur own business and settle down in life.
Re: Opinion needed...

strobe;496270 said:
Guys..jus some ideas...

wat would u du,if u had $1mil dolars to play ard wit...toking abt rollin it to make more money,not mod or buy new car...heheheh..

all ideas wil b appreciated..thanks

Did you really expect a well thought out response in this forum?:shakehea:
Re: Opinion needed...

Terry;496474 said:
If I got one million dollar.. I can double it in 1 hours..

Change to ringgit lor..

KNS i change to KRW got 3 more zeros behind!!!!
If i roll my money... ... ... i will have to straighten it before putting back into my wallet again
Re: Opinion needed...

depends on your risk appetite. Conservative types prefer to park their money in safer areas such as blue chips and dividend stocks. Risk takers might invest in other business or buy higher risk bank products.
Re: Opinion needed...

when you say "play ard wit" and "make more money" i assume you want a good idea to make a interesting investment?

first off, 1 mill is not a lot of money, but it aint a small sum of money either. in other words, what i am trying to say is that it is not enough to retire, but it is also not a good idea to waste it on some stupid investment too.

what you may like to do is to register a company, hire some smart fellows and put them to work to make money for you.

you may ask, why should you pay people to make your money for you.
if you did you are a loser. if you did not ask that question: it means you understand the simple concept of delegation asset reassignment.

let me know how it turns out.
Re: Opinion needed...

Pay all your debts, including housing and car. If you still have money left. Use half of them to buy blue chip and earn dividend. The other half look for partnership in backpack hotel concept in local and China market.
Re: Opinion needed...

Quite tired of my day job... Tot of setting up my own biz but no directions/ideas... Any bro can give some good suggestions??? I understand there may be more hard work and time require as compared to my work now... In my own opinion, I am sure I will be more rewarded. Open for suggestion but can try not to OT or not... hahaha... this is serious... thanks :D
Re: Opinion needed...

Fixed D confirm money losing. Even CPF interest cannot beat government induced inflation...
Re: Opinion needed...

Besides planning on how to make more money with the 1 mil, you may want to set aside a small sum to do something for your parents and loved ones around you. Buy a few tour packages to send your parents around the world to thank them for bringing you to this world and showering you with selfless love.
Re: Opinion needed...

Many people in your shoes and asking the same question inclusive of me....well some tried pimping but got into trouble with under 18 yrs whore....

In business only 10% make it the other 30 % struggling to survive and the rest lose money unless you are connected with some influential people...

Centurion9990;690475 said:
Quite tired of my day job... Tot of setting up my own biz but no directions/ideas... Any bro can give some good suggestions??? I understand there may be more hard work and time require as compared to my work now... In my own opinion, I am sure I will be more rewarded. Open for suggestion but can try not to OT or not... hahaha... this is serious... thanks :D
Re: Opinion needed...

Buy a few alarm clocks so you can stop dreaming :nehnehhh:
Re: Opinion needed...

All successful men has dreams but they make reality out of their dreams...In life sometimes you got to step out of comfort zone to scale greater heights but you must also be aware of the consequences and pitfall.....

ALarm clocks are for those keep dreaming of having a piak piak session with a/many 34C 24 34.....

Oilman;800856 said:
Buy a few alarm clocks so you can stop dreaming :nehnehhh:
Re: Opinion needed...

Dinosaur hunter;800825 said:
Besides planning on how to make more money with the 1 mil, you may want to set aside a small sum to do something for your parents and loved ones around you. Buy a few tour packages to send your parents around the world to thank them for bringing you to this world and showering you with selfless love.


Bro, respect. This is the BEST answer I've seen!

zorro;800865 said:
All successful men has dreams but they make reality out of their dreams...

I agree with this statement... All successful men dare to dream and make it a reality... I particularly respect Mr Soichiro Honda story of Honda Motors, their tagline : The Power Of Dreams...
Re: Opinion needed...

Instead of FD, why not buy high coupon rate perpetual bond? The downside would be rising interest rate, which will not happen in next 5 yrs.
davidtch;800900 said:
Instead of FD, why not buy high coupon rate perpetual bond? The downside would be rising interest rate, which will not happen in next 5 yrs.

I heard US is revising interest rate up in 2014.. Of cos This is just pure speculation.. Will know more after the US Presidential Election in Nov..

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