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OZ Racing 18" Rims for sale/swap


Well-Known Member
O.Z Racing 18" Rims for sale or swap....


a little kerb rash (shop offer price removed after editing. Make your offer.)

Kerb rash can be repaired about few tens of dollars at Yew Lip i believe (for 2 rims)..

with slight deep dish and studs. Washing no problem, surprisingly.

Super leggera means super light in italian i believe.

3piece forged. Size 18 x 8 (dunno wat it means) PCD 5 x 120, offset 40mm.

its on e46. Not sure if it fits other cars. Thanks.

one of the reviews
Re: OZ Racing 18" Rims for sale/swap

Which one of the following is yours and how old are they?

http://www.streetdreams.org/wheel_brands/O.Z. Racing.php

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Metal Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Canyon II PL
Metal Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Canyon ST
Metal Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Classe PL
Race Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Galileo III
Metal Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Giotto II PL

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Metal Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Leonardo III
Diamond Cut

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Michelangelo II PL

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Opera PL
Race Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Race Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Race Gold

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Race Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Superleggera III
Race Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Superturismo GT
Race White

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Superturismo GT
Race Silver

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Titan - Crystal Titanium
Crystal Titanium

O.Z. Racing Wheels
Vela S/T III
Race Silver
Re: OZ Racing 18" Rims for sale/swap

Jus found out... Superleggera III, Race Silver
Thanks flyboy for the lead...
Re: OZ Racing Super Leggera 18" Rims for sale/swap

richlee7 said:
hi. still avail? how do i contact u?

Sorry...sold to a nice guy. Happy buyer happy seller...

Admin..how to close this thread ah ?
Re: OZ Racing Super Leggera 18" Rims for sale/swap

Juz edit your title and put *Sold* in bracket or something like dat lor.
Re: OZ Racing Super Leggera 18" Rims for sale/swap

oneHeadlight said:
I tried but cannot lei...


It's SOLD.......Thanks for reading guys...
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