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Part For Sale


Well-Known Member
finally its time for me to sell my car and move to other make. have the following parts for sale:
1) Z-Stab
2) 3-spoke steering wheel without airbag and multifunction
3) Simota Aero Form Intake for valvetronic with stainless steel filter
$230 ( Reserved )
most items should be able to fit all E46 esp E46 Valvetronic
Do SMS or call me at 96909422 if interested, thanks

Re: Part For Sale

ups... pic uploaded, thanks

oh ya, was wondering how come my tread is shifted over here??? i am not selling my car, i am just selling PARTS lei???
Re: Part For Sale

i am interested in your simota CAI.
but i can only confirm later coz my new set is supposed to come in 2 months ago. if by this week they still cannot give me, i will cancel order and take urs. how's that?
Re: Part For Sale

hitmee said:
i am interested in your simota CAI.
but i can only confirm later coz my new set is supposed to come in 2 months ago. if by this week they still cannot give me, i will cancel order and take urs. how's that?

are u the guy that sms me today?? its currently reserved, will let u know if he back out

Re: Part For Sale

VenomX2 said:
3) Z-Stab

Does that really work?

well, its does work for me. aircon is definately colder, sound from the speaker is also clearer, headlight also brighter, performance wise, very slight improvement
Re: Part For Sale

snowman said:
are u the guy that sms me today?? its currently reserved, will let u know if he back out


I believe I was the one that SMSed you that day... Keep me posted on the deal ya.
Re: Part For Sale

hi snowman,

is your rim sold? can it fit e90 320? Can arrange to view?
Re: Part For Sale

eldwin said:
hi snowman,

is your rim sold? can it fit e90 320? Can arrange to view?
hi, its still available, but i am not too sure if it can fit E90, maybe u wanna check and let me know


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