PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML



I recently send in my vehicle during the june holiday to get the car service plus for PML to sort out the vibration issues during idling.

After over 4 rounds of visit, the idle vibration on my 318i was sort of fix but the car came out without PDC sound. Went for another 3 round of workshop visit and the service manage told me the same story each time that they cant troubleshoot my car because it was modified.

"My Modified car specs" - Install aftermarket audio plus violence throttle response.

The latest suggestion given to me was to revoke my car to normal factory audio then they could begin troubleshoot and revoke cost is bear by me.

While i dont agree as i did not send my car in for warranty claim but normal servicing, and i explained to PML although car was modified, the PDC was fine before it was send in for servicing and it is after PML servicing that the PDC appears with no sound.

Not entirely pleased with their response, so am seeking alternative advice on 2 things;

1) any idea why PDC no sound, any bros have experience on this?
2) What to do with PML?

thanks alot
Re: PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML

1) Contact Soundwerkz on our forum. They can pinpoint for you this problem because they have the tools and the coding machine. Check with them how much it will cost. Save the hussle with PML since they are efficiently useless.

2) Forget it and walk away. They clearly don't have the right people working there and they try to blame on anything and everything except themselves. You will be forced to revert back to stock audio config if they ever want to work on your car. I can tell you that even then, they will not be able to solve the problem as it appears to be a seperate issue all together.

I believe some owners are also having this problem as I have recalled seeing it.
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Re: PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML

heng pml never ask u stupid things like

1. u got wear earplug?

2. did u ON ur PDC?

3. is ur music too LOUD?
Re: PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML

PML adjusted the freq >20KHz so not audible..try see any effect on the dogs during reverse...

Next post will be a true trouble-shooter
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Re: PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML

Most likely 1 of the pdc sensor has loose connection.
Re: PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML

Is the warranty voided?
Re: PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML

wccm;569565 said:
1) any idea why PDC no sound, any bros have experience on this?
Try reversing closer to the wall.....:cool:

OK I'm kidding. I think that is a real crappy response from PML. Suggest u just bring back to your installer.
Re: PDC no sound problem: Crap from PML


did my sound at soundwerkz. Kelvin did try....but boils down to pml...sign

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