Petrol Station Offering 15% Discount!!


Active Member
Hey guys,

Anyone has experience the 15% discount off petrol at any station? Just read today's Straits Times and they said the petrol stations are offering this as early as last Friday.

Yup.. shell, SPC all 15% discount..

ExxonMobil as well.. :thumbsup:
Re: Petrol Station Offering 15% Discount!!

Davidwee said:
Hey guys,

Anyone has experience the 15% discount off petrol at any station? Just read today's Straits Times and they said the petrol stations are offering this as early as last Friday.


Hi ! Guys.

Drove pass Shell Petrol Stations but they only displayed 10% Discount.

You means upon payment, they offer 15% ?
apparently so...word going round my office...that despite the 10% advertised, upon payment, u're given an extra 5%...
All shell offerin 15% over the counter; I pumped in Tampines, Simpang Bedok and Leng Kee. All sama sama, 15% discount despite the 10% tag outside.

Re: Shell 15% till end of march

e46sg said:
Whisky_Tango said:
Heard over radio that Shell is extending the 15% discount till end of March.

Anyone to re-confirm??

Yes I heard about that too.

Hurray :thumbsup:

Cool... :thumbsup:

Can save another 100 bucks from now to March!! :)
Petrol price increased $0.06 per litre!!!

Ya, they'll give you discount, but subject to their discretion. Discounts can be reduced & it's up to them to decide the percentage.

Today, petrol price up $0.06 for per litre. Whenever any oil company increases the oil price, others will follow suit, reasons given was always the increase of crude oil. Whenever there was an increase to crude oil, they were always the first to act. However, when the crude oil price dropped, they'll take their own sweet time to re-adjust the price down or just pretend they don't know. :silenced:

They can adjust their discount rate, given to us or take back anytime. They will tell you they gave discounts out of good-will & not a MUST! They're not obliged to give us any notice or any transparency.
There goes, guess we'll be spending more on petrol from this very moment onwards.

Today's news reported that fuel prices are down 6 cents again. Dunno what the #%&@ are these people doing!! Anyway, its good news.... :laughlik:

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