Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6


Hi guys,

I am planning on buying either an A6 or a 523. Both are great cars in humble opinion.

I have grown to like the "Grill" and the Audi interior but the ride is not so appealing to me and as for the 523, the ride is just fabulous but on the other hand the interior is not too crash hot (looks a wee bit cheap). Well I suppose it really boils down to what I really like, to what extent should I compromise.

The thing really holding me back on a Beemer (regardless of its awesome ride) is its reliability (not sure about Audi, but a fair no of my friends that owned one seems to have no problem with it whatsoever). I owned a E36 a few years back, had numerous problems with the car, over heating and so on. I spend a fair amount of money getting it repaired. The problem was so bad that PML suggested that I get a new engine for it. That was the ultimate, I scraped the car. So the stigma still remains till today ( I hope to disspelt this belief of mine)

I first I thought I had a lemon, but my friends and my dad's colleagues share that notion. Please no flames. I just want to seek your opinions before I buy this big ticketed item. I really do not wish to have my car in the service centre most of the time and having to worry about spending heaps on repairing the car. BMW is a great car - I am presently working in Australia and my wife drive a MINI (BMW's cousin), it is a totally awesome ride. I will be returning to Singapore permanently at the end of this year (going back on the 30th June for a wee holiday) so now I guess I have to decide between 523 or A6 or maybe a GS300???

What are your thoughts on this? Please share. Hope to join your GTG when I get back....

Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

Maybe this article will help?

Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

Thank you for your prompt response Cybertron - appreciate it.

I was wondering in the terms of context (i.e. in Singapore), perhaps due to the heat and humidity factors that may (I stress may) be at play here which may be different for cooler climates. I really don't know. Anyone here care to share their 1st hand thoughts?

Look forward to your replies.
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

All 3 cars you have shortlisted have pretty good road presence. I give them a second look whenever I see one.

But if u are more brand conscious and handling is impt to u, then the Bimmer 523i may be the one. I think a 523i is more versatile in that driver of varying age gps can fit in. But there will be better 5 series on the road like the 525is and 530is. Not everyone can live with that. Good news is that there shd be room for tuning up the bhp in time to come. Irrelevant if power is not impt to u.

If u want exclusivity and do not wish your car to be a common sight and want good after-sales (I have heard nothing but praises abt Premium Auto's svs), then the Audi A6 may be the one. My personal perception is that only people in their mid 40s and above look ok in the ride. In terms of resale, I think the Audi's will be very poor.

The GS300 is a very nice and reliable car. Some have bitched abt the handling. So depends on what u look for in a car. Relatively quiet, reliable, handling not so impt.... than the GS300 is an excellent choice. After-sales is also good. U will also be driving one of the highest end model in the Lexus range in Spore. Resale is so-so. I wld say resale wld be betta than the Audi but poorer than the Bimmer.

Mebbe u shd give the GS300 a test drive before making a decision. All 3 are good choices.
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

t 6 is right. i drove all the above cars including the S-type and the merc e320 b4 settling for the 530. the A6 n gs300 i tried a mth ago. none of them measure up in terms of drivability. not even close. from funny quirky trannies, to body roll. not a single one of them had the package of the beemer in road manners. fitting wise the A6 is the best...but somehow they all look a bit 'uncle'...

at the end of the day..u may be faced with value for money question...but i sincerely feel drivability above all else is more important.
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

jonzilla said:
Hi guys,

so now I guess I have to decide between 523 or A6 or maybe a GS300???

Get a GS300! The 523iA is a POS.
Get the GS300

jonzilla said:
Hi guys,

so now I guess I have to decide between 523 or A6 or maybe a GS300???

Get the GS300. All BMW's are POS.
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

Since you owned a E36 in the past, you'll want to consider what it was that made you choose a BMW then.

All 3 cars (A6, 523i and GS300) are very good cars in their own right and have different strengths and weaknesses. I would rank them accordingly for some of these.

1. GS300
2. 523i
3. A6

Driving dynamics (handling)
1. 523i
2. GS300
3. A6 (unless it's a Quattro, then, it'll probably be 2)

Outright performance (power, engine refinement, straight line speed)
1. GS300
2. 523i
3. A6

Interior build quality
1. A6
2. 523i
3. GS300

value for money (in terms of extras you're getting with the car vs price)
1. GS300
2. A6
3. 523i

Exterior looks - very subjective, can't rank

Badge appeal - very subjective also, but I think it's likely:
1. 523i
2. GS300
3. A6

After sales serivce
1. GS300
2. A6
3. 523i

Let's tally up, 1 - 3points, 2 - 2 points, 3 - 1 point

GS300 - 17 points
523i - 14 points
A6 - 11 points

Winneer: GS300! OK, so that's the one to get :whattheh:
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

If u can stretch ur budget to the A6 3.2 Quattro Version then go for Audi
Else FWD one feels crap when driving it given the size of the car
Re: Get the GS300

6spdMan said:
Get the GS300. All BMW's are POS.

since i cant type too short sentences i got to elongate it...

actually i just wanted to ask what is POS?
Re: Get the GS300

SMYUEN said:
since i cant type too short sentences i got to elongate it...

actually i just wanted to ask what is POS?

I m guessing...........Piece Of S*** :argue: :furious:
Re: Get the GS300

6spdMan's must be having a bad day.
I prefer the styling of the 5 Series. So i'd say get the 5. But a 3L version.
Re: Get the GS300

TripleM said:
I m guessing...........Piece Of S*** :argue: :furious:

Oh my god.... naughty naughty.... say me BMW piece of S***? Admin police admin police!!
Re: Get the GS300

SMYUEN said:
Oh my god.... naughty naughty.... say me BMW piece of S***? Admin police admin police!!

Here I am to arrest.....
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6 2.4

Thank you all for your kind responses - appreciate it. It has indeed aided in my decision making.

At this moment in time, the cars i am targeting would be the BMW 523, A6 2.4 & GS300 (nice price, although theoretically I shouldnt be comparing the GS300 with the 523 and A6 2.4).

I have a liking for beemers, dont get me wrong, I bought the E36 before because other than the snob appeal (I was younger then and not married) was because of the drivability issue. The thing that really puts me of the beemer (as stated previously) is just the reliability issue. Didnt have a good experience. But then again that was so many years again. To date I have stayed away from beemers due that very reason (other than the mini cooper that my wife drives - she wanted it - women... :)

I have tested driven the A6 2.4 in Melbourne, whilst I like the car in general, the ride doesnt kick, there seems to be an articificial brake feeling when i let go off the pedal. It seems that the engine is applying some 'automatic' brake. Other than than, the car is beautiful - the car's exterior is growing on me and the MMI is pretty easy to use and of course the very comfortable and pleasing to the eye interior. As for the 'uncle' look, hmm....the more I think about seems so. Btw I am not that old :) Just got married and a kid is on the way.

On the other hand, the 523 I have not test driven it before as Australia doesnt have the 523 model. So no comments there as yet. I will test the car in Singapore when I'm back for a holiday. But in general I do like the look of the 5 series, it looks very 'fierce' especially at night with the xenon lights.

As for the GS300, I was invited to the launch in Melbourne, the standard equipment is pretty impressive - I have to admit. Unfortunately, I just wasn't interested in the car then - just went to the launch to pass time and of course get free champaign (typically Singaporean hey). So far, no one I know had any complains about the car i.e. servicing costs and breakdown etc. This car is slowly climbing up my consideration ladder.

Decisions decisions decisions...Guess no one so far has any problems with their beemers hey? Perhaps things have changed since. Oh yes, part of my decision is also the resale value, as stated by T6 Beemers have a better resale value than the rest, well resale value is of a concern to me too.

Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

GS300 is basically a toyota, have made the mistake of purchasing one after being lured away... and have regretted it... so now I am happily back in the fold. GS has the power, but drives terribly, and everywhere you look you see TOYOTA corp japan... can't justify the price tag... the audi, FWD bad... AWD ok... .but underpowered and not as communicative.

Go the BMW!
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6 2.4


You may wish to post your questions in too for a more comphresive/balance views. This being a BMW forum, you know keke... :) I will personally choose the 523 over the A6 for its road handling and power which is impt to me. The GS300 is a good bet too but have not test driven it so will not comment till I do so.

Re: Get the GS300

If you really enjoy driving, the Bimmer has got great steering only Porsche can beat,. Audi steering is dead as a door knob, just like a Volvo. Handling dynamics is better to enhance the drving feel. Sure it does not have straightly acceleration but the overall package is best.

In terms of reliability, they are ALL the same these days. Quality is as good as it gets. Audi interior is legendary except for that steering wheel which looks like it was stuck in the seventies Quattro era. BMW has a very modern interior if not rather bland as switches hidden in the i-Drive. All good cars and you need to see your own feelings and priorities. If you want a car which makes you smile and feel good, the Beemer is the one to get. Thats the attraction for most. To me, its priceless!.
Re: Get the GS300

TripleM said:
I m guessing...........Piece Of S*** :argue: :furious:
For a moment, i thought it was "Pull Of S***", with a typo on the 1st word.
hmmm....symptoms of mind mis-firing after lunch. :slaphead:
Re: Planning to buy BMW 523 or Audi A6

my dad's 523 just came back from the workshop, it was 18 days old when the engine died on the highway. luckily no accident resulted turns out its some computer fault the engines perfectly fine.. but me and my dad(we're in this together) have concerns over the future reliability, just hope all tuns out well, other than that the egines really good, powerful enough for daily use smooth and sily as well. The lexus is pretty good as well did go for a test drive with my dad very value for money

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