My front passenger door did not unlock when I use the key fob. Sent it in to PML and as usual they took from 9am to 5pm to solve once simple problem which they claim can be easily done. Done as it was, I collected my car and drove off only to realise that the usual auto door locking which takes place after driving for 200m does not happen anymore.
Is this a new BMW concept as in new cars do not lock their doors automatically after 200m of driving? Well if it is at least tell me. NNB...I am gonna shoot one nasty letter to SR if they are gonna tell me I have to leave the car there again for another day. :furious:
Is this a new BMW concept as in new cars do not lock their doors automatically after 200m of driving? Well if it is at least tell me. NNB...I am gonna shoot one nasty letter to SR if they are gonna tell me I have to leave the car there again for another day. :furious: