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PS3 Games for Sale


Users Awaiting Email Confirmation
Me selling used PS3 games too

Oblivion - $60
Rainbox Six Las Vegas - $60
Genji - $20

Leave ur contact if you're interested.
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

sell ur games..buy Xbox360..hehe

why u selling ur games so cheap..PS3 games aint cheap when u buy it..u r so kind
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

x3mblack;248734 said:
Me selling used PS3 games too

Oblivion - $60
Rainbox Six Las Vegas - $60
Genji - $20

Leave ur contact if you're interested.

Bro, if your Genji is English version, I chope!


'The Great White'
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

nicholastan91;248811 said:
sell ur games..buy Xbox360..hehe

why u selling ur games so cheap..PS3 games aint cheap when u buy it..u r so kind

Oblivion - too much walking and talking ( not a RPG fan )
Rainbow Six Las Vegas - completed playing and almost the same as Rainbow Six Advanced Warfare. Since I have both, might as well sell away one.

If not cheap, ppl might as well buy new right :)

Honestly, with WarHawk, I don't have time for any other games man. Multiplayer for 32 people running around or flying around is really insanely fun!!!!
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

wilman2772;248832 said:
Bro, if your Genji is English version, I chope!


'The Great White'

Can't remember if its english version. Will check tonight and let you know.
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

saints;248850 said:
Are all yr games in English?

Oblivion and Rainbow Six confirmed English version. I can't read Chinese anyway.
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

nicholastan91;248835 said:
wow..didnt know Wilman2772 has a PS3..:D isit good?

Yup, all the older game console gave to frens liao.....now only got XBOX360, PS3 & Wii.

PS3 graphics dam nice, alot sharper with HDMI cable.

I just started with Forza2, let me earn some $$ & mod my car, then we race yah!

My gamertag is BMW2772


'The Great White'
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

x3mblack;248851 said:
Can't remember if its english version. Will check tonight and let you know.

Thanks bro!

'The Great White'
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

If you guys are into Warhawk, maybe we can form our very own BMW-SG Clan. My PSN ID is x3mblack
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

keN330;248949 said:
x3mblack........ i will take all.... Pay u this sat can

I chope Genji liao if it's english version.

U take the other 2.


'The Great White'
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

big men snatching toys. hee hee
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

wilman2772;248979 said:
I chope Genji liao if it's english version.

U take the other 2.


'The Great White'

Haha ok ok,

will chop the rest whether english or chinese version, juz bought a ps3:yummie:
Re: PS3 Games for Sale

keN330;249021 said:
Dunt tell me new one $61, faintz....:(

Ok, Rainbow Six and Oblivion is yours. I paid $98 for each games. Some place selling above $100.

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