Puny's introduction

Ya...used to drive a Civic...hence hang around in SHC @ Delphi...but sort faded away when they shifted to their own playground. But still in contact with some of the guys there. You used to go SHC too ?
Ghostrider said:
Ya...used to drive a Civic...hence hang around in SHC @ Delphi...but sort faded away when they shifted to their own playground. But still in contact with some of the guys there. You used to go SHC too ?

i used to frequent the westside, MIA for a while, knew that they move to new website.... meet up w them once in a while lor... but keep in touch w a few old members
You went for actual meetup ah....I went twice only. Cos the meetup is damn scary lah...always so many cars. I remember once the meetup date clash with the Lancer group...the whole kallang car park one side Honda the other side Mitsubishi !! Machem like a gang clash like dat...no wonder the cops came.

So most of the time I only go for the mini meets or those kopi sessions with some of the guys.
very long didn't go to their main meet up liao.... onli go to westside meetup...
ya very scary i think there was once about 80 cars....or i hear so
Funny thing is....I have never attended the westsider meet before !! Even though I stay in the West !! From my place drive to farmart is quite near...about 20mins. But I dun really know much westsider...I know Jameson.

If you coming to the meetup on Sun, give me a shout ok...nice to meet some fellow SHC guys here too.

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