Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Stomper very eng.

If people think BMWSG bo liao, try reading Stomp.
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Hearsay some wear the robe and wig in the bedroom during role play. :D
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

MW;782275 said:
Heng u dun see new lawyers going to foodcourt in their robes and wigs

I only see lawyer show nipples and participate in hunk of the year competition. But never win, poor thing.

*run away*
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Did u drool?
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

I've no issues if anyone like to tell people their profession or "status" , but be hygienic lor...

Arts students and young designers love to dress very loud and carry their portfolio bags everywhere, but oldbirds wear berms and flipflops to office LOL
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

MW;782279 said:
Did u drool?

No, I cum.
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

No status - that's why must use clothes and bags and shoes to boost up one's confidence and image.

Got status liao - can't be bothered about what others think, so wear slippers and shorts also can.

Not I say one, but my rich friend Hitmee tell me one.
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

ckbmwe60;782268 said:
Rough estimate: weekdays call 210 per shift. You start at 7 am and typically leave the next day around 5 pm. That will be 34 hours. So divide that you get the amount above. Of course this is only call allowance. But MO pay is pretty pathetic anyway starting from 2k plus pre tax for first year MO

thanks for sharing your numbers. just looking at them, i would say that the figure of $6/hr was a little sensationalized imho since the 34hour time period actually includes a fair amount of regular work hours, for which you have already been remunerated through your base salary and bonus (which if i recall, historically averages 3 months for your average performing MOs?)

also while many MOs do work the 34hr shifts you describe, especially the surgical specialties, an increasing number of departments are encouraging MOs to go "post-call" (ie, end their work day around lunchtime), some going as far as to schedule off-days for the MOs who are unable to enjoy "post-calls"

to say the MO starting pay is 2k plus is also a little misleading because its actually high 2k, almost 3k. this is for the guys who haven't completed NS. Those first year MOs who have completed NS actually get about 3.2k/mth iirc.

Don't get me wrong though, I do agree that junior doctors in our public healthcare system are underpaid compared to their peers in other industries and doctors in other developed countries, but the pay isn't as pathetic as what many bemoan it to be la... it's certainly not less than a McDonald's delivery guy when calculated on a per hour basis, as is the popular myth,

and to put the call allowance issue in perspective, there are MOs in the public healthcare system who, if they choose to put in extra hours beyond what they are obliged to, are paid an additional $120/hr to work in the A&E and $80/hr to work in the polyclinic.

just my 2cents worth.
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

oh yeah, the numbers i quoted above are all before the ~20% pay rise that was recently announced by Gan Kim Yong.
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Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

wah lau, study 6 years to become doctor and starting pay only 3k?

lawyers study 5yrs and starting pay is $5500, excluding one month joining bonus, $2k clothing allowance..and on top of that, law firms have to kneel down and beg them to join the firm...

During my time 14yrs back, starting pay was $2k+ and we were all swinging dicks liao
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

sibeh ho tan like that have to changed to carbon ceramic brakes liao
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

MW;782332 said:
wah lau, study 6 years to become doctor and starting pay only 3k?

lawyers study 5yrs and starting pay is $5500, excluding one month joining bonus, $2k clothing allowance..and on top of that, law firms have to kneel down and beg them to join the firm...

During my time 14yrs back, starting pay was $2k+ and we were all swinging dicks liao

locally trained junior docs actually have a medical bond that's valued around 350k, spread over 60 mths. this represents the amount of medical education subsidy that they received while studying at NUS.

i'm not sure if its entirely fair to factor this bond amount into salary calculations, but there are people who subscribe to the belief that this should be treated as "salary" as well since this bond amount is reduced by 5.8k for every month that the junior doc continues working in the public sector - essentially a government issued student loan that they pay off over 5 years.

that's an additional 5.8k of benefit every month, plus it's tax free to boot. factor this in, and the effective pre-tax monthly salary comes close to 9k.

And this figure of 9k is coincidentally, close to the "free market price" of a junior doctor (as indicated by the salaries offered by large medical groups like Raffles Medical, Parkway shenton, etc. to non-bonded doctors of comparable experience)
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Yup.. My figures maybe a bit off tangent but still I believe is underpaid for junior doctors. I ve left the public service and not much updates about the pay but is good to see the govt is doing something to address this. 20% is definitely a good start. By the way, 3 months bonus must be really above average to get la. is based on your grading by a panel of consultants. I had a few colleagues only got 2 months days. No such thigh call post calls
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

But Cantonese say lawyer s a sinful job
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

wait for me to go First Class lounge to check in FB and complain tough life being a lawyer...
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

MW;782436 said:
wait for me to go First Class lounge to check in FB and complain tough life being a lawyer...

You should also try Jet Quay... Hearsay more atas...
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Seletar airport best.... private jet.... MOST ATAS!!!!
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Be a vet or dentist. The rate of return is more concave. But then again, they are not really doctors. Only in Spore context. We seem to call everyone a Dr. even though it is neither a MBBS or PhD. Strange.
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

Pediatrician best

They charge $75 for 15 mins consultation.
I need a rough count, from 7pm to 9pm, easily 30 kids.
Re: Reason for long waiting Qs for patient in Tan Tock Seng

I knw hitmee wans to be a gynae

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