recommendations please..


Well-Known Member
hello there

anyone got recommendations for doing I.C.E locally?

i'm looking specifically for a 1-Din headunit (flip up kind) which comes with navigation..

best if it is touch-screen

also.. is cd changer linked to the Head-unit or i can just mate any cd-changer with the headunit?

gonna change the speakers too but not added additional tweeters or anything.. just replacing the stock speakers.

i've been looking at US forums most people recommend the Pioneer Avic N1 or something like that.. is that available locally with local SG road maps?

btw this is for a 360 so best if the installer knows the car well..

please give me your recommendations on set-up as well as installer/shop

merry xmas and happy new year!!

Re: recommendations please..

wah 3 months liao no one friend you...

let me help you out.

Single din flip ups are more or less phased out double din the way to go.. but there are some pioneers and alpines out there. However, navigation is extra, another 600 bucks, but i'm not sure which single din is nav compatible.

Avic not avail- and even if you get it, no maps.

CD changers are brand specific - i.e. apine = alpine cd changer....

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