Roads to die for


Well-Known Member
When I see this thread, I was thinking why the UK guys actually bother to do anything else other than just to earn enough to afford a nice car and the maintenance of that, and that's good enough ...

Just look (SCREW THEM, I am so jealous!!!) :

The Cayman Club - The best drive of my life - A day over the mountain passes of Wales - Pics galore


Re: Roads to die for

Neat...very good for CAIs too, in this weather.
Re: Roads to die for

i don't see how singapore is better. I have some pictures (non digital) of driving from London to the Isle of Skye in 2 days via the cotswalds via B roads in a focus .... it was also the drive of my life, though it cost me 2 windscreens. Will try to scan some ...
Re: Roads to die for

The snake pass (between Manchester and Sheffield) across the peak district is another nice drive... in the nice summer day but not at night when it's pitch dark! And watch out for the sheep! Ha ha...

Re: Roads to die for

how will i do if im left with a bmx there? should be fun going down slope..
Re: Roads to die for

god blessed britain with great roads like those in snowdonia, snake pass, cairngorms, glen coe (my personal fav in the UK), the north downs, and even the lake district.... but he also gave them the ring of hell - the M25.... haha! so i guess all's fair! My fav drive is from antibe to monte carlo (covering F1 route) tho.

glen coe
Re: Roads to die for

Woah! The scenery in the UK is absolutely stunning! I wish we had such nice roads and scenic places to drive at here, I'd go holidaying in the UK just to drive along those roads.
Re: Roads to die for

Oh yes, you have to. Just rent a nice hatch, OK? And get ready to replace windscreens coz their B roads will spew out stones to crack them.
Re: Roads to die for

anyone drove hardknott pass from ambleside to eksdale? thats pretty stunning....i hv some pictures of that to show too.
Re: Roads to die for

Wow, some nice roads.... looking forward to a trip to UK next year!

I dislike Lake District though.... too narrow the roads, and the car always seems to brush against the schrubs alongside and when you meet another car in the opp direction... stuck stuck stuck!
Re: Roads to die for

Top 5 roads to travel in

Been to the Sea-to-sky highway in Canada and have to say that its really amazing. Best driven during summer when there are less cars and conditions are safer.


Another beautiful route is one from Su'ao to Hualien in Taiwan.

Re: Roads to die for

thing about wrynose to hardknott is that its not like other nice roads..there r no walls to catch u...its just shrubs if u go down....u just hv to stay alert n give way to cars coming up...i cant drive fast..nothing beyond 40kmh....u cant swing ur car around..its not exactly a road..its a damn pass...not open to lorries or vans or caravans...n close during winter...its just the darn baba n the cows n horses n what not...its next to scafeld...UK tallest peak...its just damn BEAUTIFUL scenery...20km, but i stopped like 5 times to eat goats, take pictures, eat grapes.
Re: Roads to die for

closer to home, this is a great drive to Gua Musang, just check out the windy long road.

I've not been there. Any plans to go up on a 2 day trip?

Re: Roads to die for

Count me in! I've been inspired by the breatakingly beautiful scenery, I'm definitely in if you want to organise a trip.

Btw, why didn't the guy's cayman have any scratches on it? If the rocks can crack your windscreen, I'm sure they're alot more likely to scratch your bodywork way before they reach your windscreen.
Re: Roads to die for

Sareve;253238 said:
Count me in! I've been inspired by the breatakingly beautiful scenery, I'm definitely in if you want to organise a trip.

Btw, why didn't the guy's cayman have any scratches on it? If the rocks can crack your windscreen, I'm sure they're alot more likely to scratch your bodywork way before they reach your windscreen.
i dunno ... I've been driving aggressively in the UK from london north, and 4 times outta 5 I've had cracked windscreens. In my first trip in the Focus, I cracked 2.

It's also a matter of following behind other cars. If you follow too close, you will suffer more. If Elma were to drive there, he'd have 5 cracked windscreens.

I don't think I can organize, needs someone who HAS been there before to organize. If anybody is kind enough to organize a 2 day trip, take note that I don't need nice hotel etc. even if forced to shit on the side of the road in the bushes also can, provided that if snake bite my brother, I need somebody to drive me to nearest hospital.

Most of us have GPS either in the car or standalone already, so shouldn't need to get lost. I have an extra GPS to loan people if they want.
Re: Roads to die for

October issue of TopGear Malaysia magazine presents lots of great driving roads around the world, some as close as Malaysia. Go grab it!

Makes you wanna go out for a drive right away! Road trip anyone?

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